April 29, 2011

Mitch Daniels Announces Planned Parenthood Funding Cut-Off, Presidential Run
— Ace

Yeah, he's running, as Allah figures too. The politics of it are actually a bit riskier and more complicated than I would have guessed (ending PP funding puts the state's whole Medicaid federal kickback in jeopardy), so one supposes it would have been easier for him to reject the funding cut-off.

As has been noted many times before: Although Mitch Daniels keeps (incomprehensibly) talking up a "truce" on social issues, he is in fact pro-life and has governed that way. He hasn't just talked it up as his own "personal choice" the way others do. When the question is put to him in a tangible way, either up or down in legislation or executive policy, he almost always chooses the pro-life position.

I don't think this "truce" idea is smart politics, and I ding him for that, but on the actual issue of abortion he's pretty solidly red.

(Not that I care or reward him for that; that's not my issue. But, just setting the record straight.)

Posted by: Ace at 03:58 PM | Comments (278)
Post contains 185 words, total size 1 kb.

1 It's not his conservative bona fides I question.  I just am not impressed by his leadership style and I don't think he's shown that he is ready for the national stage. 

Posted by: Y-not at April 29, 2011 04:01 PM (pW2o8)

2 Ace,I get that it's not your issue,doesn't play in the NE thing.I've been there.I was squishy/pro choice until I let myself understand what it reallly was.Do you want it to stop but just are afraid of the political consequences?

Posted by: steevy at April 29, 2011 04:01 PM (L7K+f)

3 2 I as a conservative want it to be left up to the states.As a Catholic I find it evil and repulsive.

Posted by: steevy at April 29, 2011 04:02 PM (L7K+f)

4 I think Daniels needs to get a hair piece.

Posted by: The Donald at April 29, 2011 04:05 PM (2p0e3)

5 What a day!  Watch the LIVE FEED at the ‘Americans for ProsperityÂ’ Presidential Summit in NH!  This is basically the first time all these candidates have been on stage together this year!

Posted by: Dan at April 29, 2011 04:05 PM (9L1z6)

6 As a conservative I have no problem with this being decided at the national level - last time we let something like this be solved at the state level we ended up with over 600,000 dead soldiers, not to mention civilian casualties.

Posted by: Grey Fox at April 29, 2011 04:06 PM (Wc7h8)


Well, if he does run, and it remains a decision between the usual suspects (Huck, Mittens, Grinch etc...) I've got to decide between Daniels and T'Paw.

I lean T-Paw right now....but barely.  Hopefully PR saves me the trouble.

Posted by: Delta Smelt at April 29, 2011 04:07 PM (dWPyO)

The truce is a good idea.

Posted by: arhooley at April 29, 2011 04:08 PM (JpqtI)

9 "Not that I care or reward him for that; that's not my issue."

And why should it be?  It's just dead babies.

Posted by: Kensington at April 29, 2011 04:08 PM (mEyVv)

10 The League of Women Voters will not be happy to hear this.

Posted by: whiter shade of soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:09 PM (g73jP)


Hopefully PR saves me the trouble.


Oh....and your Rockies killed my Cubs this week. Thanks dude.

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 04:10 PM (OWjjx)

12 Ace versus the socons, Part Deux.

Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 04:10 PM (uR5Zf)

13 Big deal, I still want to see his birth certificate.

Posted by: robtr at April 29, 2011 04:11 PM (MtwBb)


Posted by: Dan at April 29, 2011 08:05 PM (9L1z6)

Everytime I begin to even remotely convince myself that Romney would be o.k. (sort of like some mornings I convince myself that the bowl of oatmeal I am about to eat isn't all that bad)........Dan shows up and pisses me off.


Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 04:11 PM (OWjjx)

15 12 Ace versus the socons, Part Deux.

Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 08:10 PM (uR5Zf)

Have I missed something? His neutrality is annoying, but I haven't seen anything to suggest that he is against us.

Posted by: Grey Fox at April 29, 2011 04:12 PM (Wc7h8)

16 you know I was wishy washy on abortion when i believed that abortion limited it to the first weeks of growth . but i found it really hard to lie to myself when i realized infants being born and brain stems cut, or left in closets to die  to give the mom and dad their freedom from a baby.

Posted by: willow at April 29, 2011 04:12 PM (h+qn8)


Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 08:10 PM (OWjjx)

Paul Ryan.

Oh, I've been looking for you the few times I've been on this week.  Heh. You will have to indulge me this summer.  I think they have a chance to win the West and actually do damage in the playoffs.  Would be their 1st division win in their history.

Good seeing you btw.

Posted by: Delta Smelt at April 29, 2011 04:14 PM (dWPyO)


I as a conservative want it to be left up to the states.As a Catholic I find it evil and repulsive.

Pretty much the same here as a Protestant.

Daniels was only guilty of using a poor choice in words.  Considering the state the country is in and the terrible performance of Obama as President, does anyone think that social issues like abortion should even be in the top 3 things we focus on in the effort to beat Obama?  Hell, even in the top 10?

Perhaps Daniels shouldn't have used the word "truce", but only because some would (and did) interpret him as meaning we should completely surrender on social issues rather putting them on the back burner in favor of fiscal and economic policy for the time being, which is what I'm pretty sure he meant.

Posted by: Hollowpoint at April 29, 2011 04:15 PM (WRW1S)


. You will have to indulge me this summer.  I think they have a chance to win the West and actually do damage in the playoffs.  Would be their 1st division win in their history.

Agreed. And how is life in South Carolina treating you --- Vic tell you to get off the lawn recently?

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 04:15 PM (OWjjx)


Have I missed something? His neutrality is annoying, but I haven't seen anything to suggest that he is against us.

Posted by: Grey Fox at April 29, 2011 08:12 PM (Wc7h

Well  a lot of folks are pissed off at the entire compassionate conservative/ Obamacon thing.

We've punted to the states' rights issue and that is as far as it is going to go, vis a vis abortion. Which is fine with me right now.

Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 04:16 PM (uR5Zf)

21 I was opposed to Daniels for his "truce" talk, but if he talks truce and then plants his foot violently in the left's balls, I am lining up right behind him. Cool.

Posted by: Minuteman at April 29, 2011 04:16 PM (d6wkB)


Perhaps Daniels shouldn't have used the word "truce", but only because some would (and did) interpret him as meaning we should completely surrender on social issues rather putting them on the back burner in favor of fiscal and economic policy for the time being, which is what I'm pretty sure he meant.

Agreed. Something more along the lines of "I am Pro-Life. But right now, our priority has to be on the economy, energy, foreign affairs, border security and the dollar. You know, all the things a President is supposed to be worried about but this one managed to screw up. However, President Obama has done a wonderful job of alienating our allies, insulting our friends and fundraising for Democrats."

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 04:17 PM (OWjjx)

I was squishy pro-choice until: (1) My wife and I saw our son on the ultrasound and then we lost him a couple of weeks later.  The crushing. emptying grief we felt was the grief one feels for a lost child, not a wisdom tooth.  (2) We adopted our two children.  Their existence (or not) is not morally neutral.  The two teenage girls who chose to give our children life and then chose to give them up for a better life are the two bravest, most moral human beings to ever touch my life.

Posted by: Antonini at April 29, 2011 04:18 PM (u+8qs)

24 Obama the....cowboy (???)  says....Chris Matthews (seriously, who else would it have been?)

“If you think about him as a guy out in the sun, with the sun in his face, looking like a cowboy with his sleeves rolled up . . . here he is out in the sun, short sleeves, he’s always been fit, looking like a million bucks, looking like a guy.”

Such a c-word, that guy.

Posted by: laceyunderalls at April 29, 2011 04:18 PM (krLib)

25 Good for Daniels for signing this bill.  "This Is What Democracy Looks Like".  Let PP try to get their way in the undemocratic courts.  I hope they fail.

About him running for Prez - meh, he's not got a whole lot on the charisma scale, if he runs it will be even easier for Team Obama to drudge up all the old Bush bashing (you know they are already planning it - but they will just ramp it up to new heights) - I want a candidate that I can really feel inspired about, Daniels (and, also, T-Paw) just isn't it

Posted by: chemjeff at April 29, 2011 04:18 PM (QAJGa)


Agreed. And how is life in South Carolina treating you --- Vic tell you to get off the lawn recently?

Great man.  Love the weather, and the change in lifestyle.  Miss the summer in Downtown Denver going to baseball games though.

Vic told me I could stay on his lawn as long as I bring him a pint of Ancient Age. (Ok, he said Jack Daniels, but Ancient Age is funnier considering we are talking about Vic).

(sorry vic, but it's my understanding you are on vacation and won't see this post)

Posted by: Delta Smelt at April 29, 2011 04:19 PM (dWPyO)

27 Well something I remember getting into a bit of an argument with when the Wisconsin stuff was happening and Indiana had a similar instance happen that made their Dems fleabag the state as well.  Daniels wasn't happy with what the Repub Reps were doing.  See I guess Daniels had been running the state with a Dem controlled legislature so he was accomplishing conservative goals as much as possible under those situations.  But once he got a Repub Legislature it looked like he still wanted to go along in the same way as before.  That really doesn't inspire a lot of confidence.  Truce on social issues and don't rock boat on everything else.  Yeah that's inspirational.

Posted by: buzzion at April 29, 2011 04:19 PM (oVQFe)

28 Willow@16:
"you know I was wishy washy on abortion when i believed that abortion limited it to the first weeks of growth ."

The thing is, it's even an abomination at the earliest weeks.  My God!  I saw pictures this week of little baby parts that were found in the parking lot at an abortion mill.  Body parts so small they fit on the fingertips of the people who found them yet they were still clearly identifiable as teeny tiny arms and legs.

Posted by: Kensington at April 29, 2011 04:19 PM (mEyVv)


Posted by: laceyunderalls at April 29, 2011 08:18 PM (krLib)

I'd like to stamp him into fucking protoplasm.

Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 04:19 PM (uR5Zf)

30 20 I was just asking out of curiosity.I am a social conservative to an extent but am willing to allly with anyone who agrees with me on big issues.Big issues to me being immigration,finances,energy production,etc.Abortion is way down the list(though RoevWade is total shit as far as law goes,and everyone know's it).

Posted by: steevy at April 29, 2011 04:20 PM (L7K+f)


(sorry vic, but it's my understanding you are on vacation and won't see this post)

Posted by: Delta Smelt at April 29, 2011 08:19 PM (dWPyO)

He was posting this morning...

Posted by: Tami at April 29, 2011 04:20 PM (VuLos)


I want a candidate that I can really feel inspired about

And that candidate would be.....me. So join me this weekend at the Super Wal-Mart in Waterloo, Iowa where I will be discussing my plans to revive the economy and greeting people at the door saying "Welcome to Wal-Mart"..........but mainly greeting people at the door.

Posted by: Alan Keyes, and no, I don't think this gag ever gets old at April 29, 2011 04:20 PM (OWjjx)

33 Antonini , I'm sure it was a painful choice for the girls. I'm gald you recieved a blessing from the hardship, and so did they for making a valiant decision.

Posted by: willow at April 29, 2011 04:21 PM (h+qn8)

34 no there's someone who won't win the primary....next....

Posted by: phoenixgirl at April 29, 2011 04:21 PM (eOXTH)


He was posting this morning...

Eh, I think it's past his bed time anyway. 


Posted by: Delta Smelt at April 29, 2011 04:21 PM (dWPyO)

36 "Well  a lot of folks are pissed off at the entire compassionate conservative/ Obamacon thing"

Woah, hold up!  The social cons were not, largely, the Obamacons, especially given his monstrous record on abortion.

Posted by: Kensington at April 29, 2011 04:21 PM (mEyVv)

37 26 "(sorry vic, but it's my understanding you are on vacation and won't see this post)" Good idea throwing that in there,I picture vic as Clint Estwood in Grand Torino,on his lawn with an M1 rifle.

Posted by: steevy at April 29, 2011 04:21 PM (L7K+f)

38 Ughh, I feel like Daniels would be a good president but it feels like he can't campaign. Social truce? Yeah, good luck with that. Social conservatives will think it means he's socially liberal and the progs will beat him over the head anyway based on his record.

Posted by: Palerider at April 29, 2011 04:23 PM (dkExz)

39 it's Gran Torino not Grand punk

Posted by: whiter shade of soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:23 PM (g73jP)

40 Grand Prix, or Gran Prix?

Posted by: whiter shade of soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:23 PM (UQjUb)


Alan Keyes, and no, I don't think this gag ever gets old

Great sock, but I'm thinking the venue is a bit unrealistic.  Too big.  Next time try the Ames, Iowa Waffle House. I hear he's a great grill man....errrrr campaigner.

Posted by: Delta Smelt at April 29, 2011 04:23 PM (dWPyO)


Grand Prix, or Gran Prix?

No love for the Grand Am?

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 04:24 PM (OWjjx)

43 Ever since Romney said he had hunted varmints I have been skeptical. That and that book "Under the Banner of Heaven"

Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 04:24 PM (+qHxi)

44 I strongly support Daniels in doing this.as for presidential politics, a new Rasmussen poll shows him in 5th place:

"Romney, Christie Neck-and-Neck Among GOP Primary Voters If Some Big Names DonÂ’t Run"

Romney 27%
Christie 26%
Ryan 12%
Pawlenty 8%
Daniels (4%)
Perry (3%)

Posted by: Miss'80sBaby at April 29, 2011 04:24 PM (7isMp)

45 Monte Carlo. or Many Carloads?

Posted by: whiter shade of soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:24 PM (UQjUb)


Great sock, but I'm thinking the venue is a bit unrealistic.  Too big.  Next time try the Ames, Iowa Waffle House. I hear he's a great grill man....errrrr campaigner.

I had him working the counter at O'Reilly's Tire and Muffler Shop in Dubuoque once.

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 04:25 PM (OWjjx)


kensington, that's where I'm at now, i see at a few  weeks they have perfect formed feet.  it's rough, and i can't square that circle any longer.

I hope more use the gifts given like the pill, iud's and of course condoms and adoption for someone in love with the idea of being a parent.

Posted by: willow at April 29, 2011 04:25 PM (h+qn8)

48 Remember the FORD GRANADA?

Posted by: Soothsayerwing Plover at April 29, 2011 04:26 PM (g73jP)

49 Why is Rasmussen polling with Christie's name, anyway? He's said repeatedly that he's not running in 2012. Man, I don't understand polling, at all.

Posted by: not the droid you seek at April 29, 2011 04:26 PM (FeU4M)

50 40 Oops.

Posted by: steevy at April 29, 2011 04:26 PM (L7K+f)

51 Anyone remember the cars driven by Charlie's Angels?

Posted by: Soothsayerwing Plover at April 29, 2011 04:27 PM (g73jP)

52 Woah, hold up!  The social cons were not, largely, the Obamacons, especially given his monstrous record on abortion.

Posted by: Kensington at April 29, 2011 08:21 PM (mEyVv)

To us fiscal cons, many of the socons such as George W Bush were pathetic on the fiscal issues.

A big Texas socon, Marvin Olasky, was the guy who pushed George W into the insane big-spending "compassionate conservative' horseshit.

That's a broad brush, but the fiscal cons need to be in the lead right now, I feel.

Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 04:28 PM (uR5Zf)

53 50 Why is Rasmussen polling with Christie's name, anyway? He's said repeatedly that he's not running in 2012. Man, I don't understand polling, at all.

Not sure, since several people included are not running (my governor included, as far as I know).

Posted by: Miss'80sBaby at April 29, 2011 04:28 PM (7isMp)

54 Executive experience:  Check

Not recycled from 1960 -- 2012: Check

Conservative:  Check

Actually Conservative:  Check

Motorcycle rider:  Check

Does not carry enormous preexisting baggage:  Check

Ability to be mean and confrontational if required (as it will be):  TBD

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at April 29, 2011 04:29 PM (7utQ2)

55 Anyone remember the cars driven by Charlie's Angels?

Posted by: Soothsayerwing Plover at April 29, 2011 08:27 PM (g73jP)

A pinto with kate jackson wasn't it ?

Wasn't there a Mustang II? 

Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 04:29 PM (+qHxi)

56 Mitch who?

Oh is he that short guy? Nope. He's also like bald and stuff. Oh and he's all boring when he talks about numbers and deficits...is that even a word - deficits? Is that the right word? Anyway, math is hard. Hey can you pass me that US Weekly over there?

Posted by: Women (Not 'Ettes) at April 29, 2011 04:29 PM (krLib)

57 firebirds, pintos?

Posted by: willow at April 29, 2011 04:29 PM (h+qn8)

58 You know I should be loving this guy. Popular, successful governor who is actually conservative. But he's got crap instincts on responding to things. The truce thing is just dumb and bad politics. The way he answered questions about the Fleebaggers was dumb too. He's like a really capable and solid infielder who just can't seem to get the hang of laying down a bunt. Not politically, but in a lot of ways he reminds me of Dukakis. I want him on my team for sure but I don't know if I would make him Captain.

Posted by: Rocks at April 29, 2011 04:30 PM (th0op)

59 Posted by: Alan Keyes, and no, I don't think this gag ever gets old at April 29, 2011 08:20 PM (OWjjx)

Mallamutt, Did you vote for Keyes in 04 or was he to teh crazy for you?

Posted by: The Notion at April 29, 2011 04:30 PM (hD0CU)

60 Fuck it ! Daniels/Ryan

Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 04:31 PM (+qHxi)

61 >>>Wasn't there a Mustang II? Yes, I think it was Farrah's. You might be right about the Pinto, too, I dunno.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:32 PM (g73jP)

62 they're still playing with Frank's in the last thread

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:33 PM (UQjUb)


Well this sucks to have to do because until the other night having dinner with my daughter I was totally against planned parenthood. But let me tell you a story.

After my daughters first semester in college she came to me and said she didn't want to go anymore. After trying to talk her out of her decision and failing I decided to try some tough love and said ok fine, you are on your own then. I bought a high deductable health insurance policy for her and told her to get a job which she did. In time for the fall semester next year she came to me and asked if she could go back to school. I said of course and she went on to do great and graduated. That isn't all though.

During the time she was working and making little money she went to planned parenthood for birth control pills and other female checkups etc.

The point i guess is that there are poor people out there that planned parenthood does help. I know they do a lot of harm too but they do some good.

Posted by: robtr at April 29, 2011 04:33 PM (MtwBb)


Posted by: THE CAPS LOCK BUTTON at April 29, 2011 04:35 PM (ZkHkm)

65 GW was a socon along the Huckabee line.Not all socons are for big government.Just because GW and Huck are pro life doesn't mean I agree with them on most social issues.

Posted by: steevy at April 29, 2011 04:35 PM (L7K+f)

66 the good they do is cover for the bad they do it's a shitty deal

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:35 PM (g73jP)

67 *Of all the people running I am pretty convinced he would probably make the best President by a long shot.
*His speech at CPAC was very good.
*Some things he has said and done off the cuff since are less inspiring.
*A good solid able leader with a proven executive track record on conservative issues.
*He is serious, able, experienced, reasonable and ideologically a committed conservative... exactly the kind of leader we need.
*I firmly believe he could get reelected but can a uninteresting older white guy not willing to skewer Obama head on get elected the first time?

Dole, McCain, Bush 1... America will elect many types of people but one that is perceived as dull is a huge handicap.  He needs to start doing some impulsive interesting things.  Start smoking cuban cigars or spread a rumor he has a half child in vietnam.. something.. anything.

Posted by: Shiggz at April 29, 2011 04:35 PM (mLAWK)

68 you mean those awesome mustang IIs?

Posted by: D. Hopper at April 29, 2011 04:36 PM (qPTz0)

69 The point i guess is that there are poor people out there that planned parenthood does help. I know they do a lot of harm too but they do some good.

I have no problem with that.

But no federal funding for abortion.  Period, end of discussion.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at April 29, 2011 04:37 PM (7utQ2)

70 I think Kate Jackson had the coolest of all the cars.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:37 PM (g73jP)

71 What am I, chopped liver?

Posted by: Rusty coathanger at April 29, 2011 04:38 PM (uR5Zf)

72 Remember what kind of car Kojak drove?

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:38 PM (UQjUb)


A big Texas socon, Marvin Olasky, was the guy who pushed George W into the insane big-spending "compassionate conservative' horseshit.

That's a broad brush, but the fiscal cons need to be in the lead right now, I feel.

Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 08:28 PM (uR5Zf)

Marvin Olasky has said that he meant something quite different from the big-government direction that Bush took it in. His proposals were more along the lines of school vouchers, removing tax penalties for getting married, removing discriminatory policies against relihious charities, and other changes intended more to keep the government from discouraging virtue rather than expanding government per se.

Olasky is a good guy in most respects. He is also an ex-communist, so he tends to be very leery of anything that smacks of Marxism.

Posted by: Grey Fox at April 29, 2011 04:39 PM (Wc7h8)

74 Could a guy like Daniels be helped by a good VP candidate ? They say it usually doesn't help, but look what Choo Choo did for Obama !

Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 04:40 PM (+qHxi)

75 Remember what kind of car Kojak drove?

Buick Skylark.


Yes, it did look like a turd.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at April 29, 2011 04:40 PM (7utQ2)

76 Perhaps we can convince McCain to run again.  Third time's the charm, right?

Posted by: Walter Sobchak at April 29, 2011 04:40 PM (x9uGf)

77 what am i

Posted by: implant, iud, pill, condoms at April 29, 2011 04:40 PM (h+qn8)

78 yep, it was ugly but Telly was a cool cat

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:41 PM (g73jP)

79 71
I think Kate Jackson had the coolest of all the cars.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 08:37 PM (g73jP)

Well, she was the "brainy Angel".

Posted by: Rusty coathanger at April 29, 2011 04:41 PM (uR5Zf)

80 Not politically, but in a lot of ways he reminds me of Dukakis. I want him on my team for sure but I don't know if I would make him Captain.

YES.  That's how I feel about him too.

Posted by: chemjeff at April 29, 2011 04:42 PM (QAJGa)

81 I'm pretty sure Kate's car was white with blue racing stripes.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:44 PM (g73jP)

82 Any of you remember those "Players' Club" commercials Telly Savalas did? That was some major league cheese there. Awesome.

Posted by: George Orwell at April 29, 2011 04:44 PM (ZkHkm)


Posted by: Women (Not 'Ettes) at April 29, 2011 08:29 PM (krLib)

krazy Lib

Posted by: Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at April 29, 2011 04:44 PM (c0A3e)

84 Posted by: robtr at April 29, 2011 08:33 PM (MtwBb)

robtr that's a touching story, it really is - and I agree that people who help those in need deserve our praise, not our scorn - but as Daniels suggested, it's not about the good works that they do, it's about the lives that they kill in their mistaken desire to "help".  The day that PP forswears abortion and focuses on actually preserving life, rather than selling death, is the day that they enter the mainstream again

Posted by: chemjeff at April 29, 2011 04:45 PM (QAJGa)

85 he was great in the Dirty Dozen

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:45 PM (g73jP)

President Daniels =  Supreme Court Justice Richard Lugar

Although, to be fair:

President Obama + Republican Senate =  Supreme Court Justice Richard Lugar

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at April 29, 2011 04:45 PM (UB58p)

87 I'm pretty sure Kate's car was white with blue racing stripes.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 08:44 PM (g73jP)

She drove and was a Pinto.

Cheryl had the blue and white shelby thing... think


Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 04:45 PM (+qHxi)

88 Kate had the Pinto? Shiiiiiiiiiiiit.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:47 PM (UQjUb)

89 But where does Daniels stand on circumcision?

Posted by: Ex-Republican genius at April 29, 2011 04:47 PM (le5qc)

90 83 Any of you remember those "Players' Club" commercials Telly Savalas did? That was some major league cheese there. Awesome.

Posted by: George Orwell at April 29, 2011 08:44 PM (ZkHkm)

I doi remember when he excitedly opened up the safe rescued from the Titanic live to millions watching on TV and it was full of waterlogged crabshit.

Beyond mega-awesome.

Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 04:47 PM (uR5Zf)

91 Cheryl? Cheryl Tiegs? She was the fake angel.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:48 PM (UQjUb)

92 Ace, can't you ban spammer Dan?  He contributes nothing to the site but Romneyspam.

Posted by: Geronimo at April 29, 2011 04:48 PM (KVI8B)

93 Telly also made a pretty good Blofeld in that one oddball Bond movie.

Posted by: George Orwell at April 29, 2011 04:48 PM (ZkHkm)

94 86
he was great in the Dirty Dozen

He played some Creep Factor Five in the Dirty Dozen. 

Loved him in Kelly's Heroes, too.  Big Joe. 

Also in The Battle of the Bulge, I think.  He played a tank commander whose French (I think) girlfriend was (probably) killed when the Germans overran her town. 

Posted by: Y-not at April 29, 2011 04:49 PM (pW2o8)

95 Damn.... no customers here.

Posted by: Roto-Rooter Abortion Service; You Fuck 'Em, We Suck 'Em at April 29, 2011 04:50 PM (FYCiJ)

96 Telly was in Kelly's Heroes? Forgot about that.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:50 PM (g73jP)

97 Shit, I google image-searched Kate Jackson, and was reminded suddenly, as I scanned the horror that appeared, that I had done so a few months ago and the recent pics had not been pleasant. Sweet merciful crap.

Posted by: Waterhouse at April 29, 2011 04:50 PM (sSeAQ)

98 Any of you remember those "Players' Club" commercials Telly Savalas did? That was some major league cheese there. Awesome.

Posted by: George Orwell at April 29, 2011 08:44 PM (ZkHkm)

Telly Savalas was OG.

"Who loves ya, babe?"


Posted by: ErikW at April 29, 2011 04:50 PM (/9K4i)

99 Yeah. But where are Mitch's college records? Hmmm?

Hey- Mitch's rhymes with bitches. Oh boy.

Posted by: Marcus at April 29, 2011 04:50 PM (aFKlD)

100 Is Kelly's Heroes the sequel to Force Ten From Navarone?

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:51 PM (UQjUb)

101 They had cars in Charlies Angels?

Posted by: lowandslow at April 29, 2011 04:52 PM (GZitp)

102 102
Is Kelly's Heroes the sequel to Force Ten From Navarone?

Nope.  Wasn't there a Guns of Navarone though?

Did those movies have Gregory Peck in them?

Posted by: Y-not at April 29, 2011 04:52 PM (pW2o8)

103 And hey, remember Greatest American Hero?

Man, that was a great suit.

Posted by: Seethsewer, UHF Channel 9 at April 29, 2011 04:52 PM (FYCiJ)

104 One of them did. Dunno about the second.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:53 PM (UQjUb)


Ace, can't you ban spammer Dan? He contributes nothing to the site but Romneyspam.

It's true that he's a drive-by Romney spammer, but if Ace banned everyone who didn't offer meaningful contribution to the blog, half of his Morons would be gone, left to wander the woods muttering something about hobos, scandis, and pudding.

Posted by: Hollowpoint at April 29, 2011 04:53 PM (WRW1S)

106 I used to have a thing for Anthony Quinn, even though he's kind of homely. 

Posted by: Y-not at April 29, 2011 04:54 PM (pW2o8)

107 Kojak. Classic TV.

Posted by: Marcus at April 29, 2011 04:54 PM (aFKlD)


Kelly's Heros was horrible

I remember seeing it when it came out. Just about walked out.

Donald Sutherland was babbling hippie lingo with longass hair about 20 years too early.


Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 04:55 PM (uR5Zf)

109 And hey, remember Greatest American Hero? Man, that was a great suit. Barry has a superhero suit too, being Captain Bullshit. His superpower? He can turn a nation to trash with a single signature.

Posted by: George Orwell at April 29, 2011 04:55 PM (ZkHkm)

110 Telly was in Kelly's Heroes? Forgot about that.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 08:50 PM (g73jP)

Fucking awesome movie.

Clint Eastwood, Telly Savales, Don Rickles and Donald Sutherland as "Oddball."

Posted by: ErikW at April 29, 2011 04:55 PM (/9K4i)

111 After yesterdays post on Trump, I'm watching an old "Riptide" on YouTube.
The 1986 Jane Badler was smoken.

Posted by: lowandslow at April 29, 2011 04:56 PM (GZitp)

112 Don Rickles best part in a movie was when he got beaten by Joe Pesci in Casino.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 04:57 PM (g73jP)

113 Donald Sutherland was babbling hippie lingo with longass hair about 20 years too early.

I agree with you about his character (Oddball) -- and the sound track was pretty bad -- but other than that I love that movie.  I could watch it every single day. 

Oddball is not really that important of a character.  Don Rickles' character is probably more prominent/important than Sutherland's. 

Posted by: Y-not at April 29, 2011 04:57 PM (pW2o8)

114 Alistair MacLean's books kicked ass.

Posted by: Waterhouse at April 29, 2011 04:57 PM (sSeAQ)

115 Oddball is not really that important of a character.  Don Rickles' character is probably more prominent/important than Sutherland's. 

Posted by: Y-not at April 29, 2011 08:57 PM (pW2o

That was jarring and ruined the move for me.

Sutherland was screwing Jane Fonda at the time and was going around with her trying to get troops to desert in Vietnam and shit. He was a stonecold leftist.

I didn't like his snarky shit in the original MASH, either.

I didn't like him until a couple of years later when he did "Don't Look Now". That was pretty intense. And then I got to enjoy his movies.

Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 05:01 PM (uR5Zf)

116 110 Very 70's antihero movie.They even pay off the Waffen SS Tiger crew with gold.

Posted by: steevy at April 29, 2011 05:01 PM (L7K+f)

117 Shit, I google image-searched Kate Jackson, and was reminded suddenly, as I scanned the horror that appeared, that I had done so a few months ago and the recent pics had not been pleasant. Sweet merciful crap.

Posted by: Waterhouse at April 29, 2011 08:50 PM (sSeAQ)

I think she looks pretty good considering she's battled cancer twice in the '80's and had a heart defect.

Posted by: Tami at April 29, 2011 05:02 PM (VuLos)

118 117 He's still a left wing dick as is his som Kiefer.

Posted by: steevy at April 29, 2011 05:02 PM (L7K+f)

119 That was jarring and ruined the move for me

I can see that.

I always mute when they play the really hippy 70s sounding songs.  "Burning Bridges" or whatever the heck that was.

Of course, Eastwood is ultra sexy in that movie so being a moronette I can endure Sutherland's scenes.  ;-)

Posted by: Y-not at April 29, 2011 05:04 PM (pW2o8)

120 And hey, remember Greatest American Hero?

Man, that was a great suit.

Good show, at least until he renounced his American citizenship.

Posted by: Some soon to be out of work comic book writer at April 29, 2011 05:04 PM (uqJo6)


@6: "As a conservative I have no problem with this being decided at the national level - last time we let something like this be solved at the state level we ended up with over 600,000 dead soldiers, not to mention civilian casualties."

But amazingly, no lingering bitterness.  It's not like there was any residual racial animosity, or Federal troops had to invade states during the middle years of the 20th Century, or anything like that.

Posted by: Fa Cube Itches at April 29, 2011 05:05 PM (xy9wk)

122 I think she looks pretty good considering she's battled cancer twice in the '80's and had a heart defect.

Neither of which have anything to do with whoever fucked up her face with plastic surgery.

Posted by: Waterhouse at April 29, 2011 05:05 PM (sSeAQ)


Sutherland and Fonda went around on a tour called "F.T.A" or "Fuck the Army"

Google it. I rmember it well, I think they even made it down to Fort Hood.

Very disturbing.

Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 05:05 PM (uR5Zf)

124 Re the abortion stuff.  I think defining personhood is a national-level issue, but I am content to peck away at abortion at the state level for now. 

But I think at some point the rubber hits the road and we have to agree as a nation when life begins and not rely on some insanely asinine definition of viability. 

Posted by: Y-not at April 29, 2011 05:07 PM (pW2o8)

125 109 Kojak. Classic TV.

Kojak drove a real nice two door Buick. You  know you are special when you get a two-door sedan to do detectin in. Never did figure out how he transported the bad guys back to the precinct. I think it was a Century?

Posted by: Goober at April 29, 2011 05:09 PM (fy8R6)


@9: "It's just dead babies."

To be fair, it's primarily dead future leftists....so there is that to consider.

Posted by: Fa Cube Itches at April 29, 2011 05:09 PM (xy9wk)

127 Century? That sounds more right than Skylark.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 05:10 PM (g73jP)


And hey, remember Greatest American Hero?

Man, that was a great suit.

I wonder what William Katt is doing nowadays?

Landscaping? Producing his own porn?

Posted by: ErikW at April 29, 2011 05:10 PM (/9K4i)

129 129, I'm thinkin your right.

Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at April 29, 2011 05:11 PM (cDRYC)

130 William Katt was in that weird horror flick called House, or something like that. Bull from Night Court was in it, too, I think.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 05:11 PM (g73jP)

131 But I think at some point the rubber hits the road and we have to agree as a nation when life begins and not rely on some insanely asinine definition of viability. 

So should we issue Conception Certificates?

Posted by: Methos at April 29, 2011 05:12 PM (uqJo6)

132 Neither of which have anything to do with whoever fucked up her face with plastic surgery.

Posted by: Waterhouse at April 29, 2011 09:05 PM (sSeAQ)

You think her face was f'ed up with plastic surgery?

Here's a pic of her from a year ago....I'm not seeing what you're seeing.


Posted by: Tami at April 29, 2011 05:13 PM (VuLos)


Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 09:11 PM (g73jP)

I remember that. Wasn't it like an Amity type horror show?

Posted by: ErikW at April 29, 2011 05:14 PM (/9K4i)

134 Did you know that william katt is the son of Kit Carson One of the original television westerns?

Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at April 29, 2011 05:14 PM (cDRYC)

135 133 Wasn't that kind of a comedy?Maybe just unintentionally funny.

Posted by: steevy at April 29, 2011 05:14 PM (L7K+f)

136 132 129, I'm thinkin your right.

Yeah a nice shit brown Century with a bald guy driving sucking on a sucker. You see that in your neighborhood and you call the police nowadays.

Posted by: Goober at April 29, 2011 05:15 PM (fy8R6)

137 her eyes are slanted upward at a 35 degree angle

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 05:15 PM (g73jP)

138 Donald Sutherland was babbling hippie lingo with longass hair about 20 years too early.

There you go with those negative vibes again, Moriarty

Posted by: Oddball at April 29, 2011 05:16 PM (cSkZ5)

139 Did you know his mom was Della Street from Perry Mason?

Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at April 29, 2011 05:16 PM (cDRYC)

140 Century?

That sounds more right than Skylark.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 09:10 PM (g73jP)

It was a Century.  An early 70's model I believe.  Real great 70's TV?  Cannon.  I always got a kick out of the implausable situations where William Conrad would chase down some young punk.

Posted by: Truck Monkey at April 29, 2011 05:16 PM (yQWNf)

141 yeah the house was haunted and it was a portal into hell, or something

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 05:16 PM (g73jP)

142 141 Donald Sutherland was babbling hippie lingo with longass hair about 20 years too early.

There you go with those negative vibes again, Moriarty

Woof, woof.

Posted by: Goober at April 29, 2011 05:17 PM (fy8R6)


I saw Kate Jackson in that 1982 "Making Love" movie where she learns to love her gay husband.

It was a gigantic crater of suck (no pun intended), but I can't blame her.

I still remember the tender scene where she drives her husband to some alley full of gay guys where he wanted to find some guy to screw.

Wow. That was a career-ending movie.

Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 05:17 PM (uR5Zf)

144 107

Ace, can't you ban spammer Dan? He contributes nothing to the site but Romneyspam.

It's true that he's a drive-by Romney spammer, but if Ace banned everyone who didn't offer meaningful contribution to the blog, half of his Morons would be gone, left to wander the woods muttering something about hobos, scandis, and pudding.

Posted by: Hollowpoint at April 29, 2011 08:53 PM (WRW1S)

Hey, I never said anything about "meaningful" contribution.  It's just that good old Dannyboy brings less than the guy at 130 trying to sell fake purses.  He's nothing but a spammer, just not peddling lace wigs.

Posted by: Geronimo at April 29, 2011 05:18 PM (KVI8B)

145 Daniels will need a strong VP with some military cred, Maybe West?

Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at April 29, 2011 05:18 PM (cDRYC)

146 I'll see your fat Cannon and raise you a Mannix. William Conrad did the voice for what tv show's opening...?

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 05:18 PM (g73jP)

147 It's possible to be pro-social-con-truce and pro-life, in the same way one can be a pro-life libertarian. If the minimal reason the State exists is to protect human life and rights, and you can't prove the fetus is not a person, then the State has a precautionary responsibility.

Posted by: Jeffrey Quick at April 29, 2011 05:18 PM (fIIPH)


Here's a pic of her from a year ago....I'm not seeing what you're seeing.


Posted by: Tami at April 29, 2011 09:13 PM (VuLos)

If that was just a year ago, then that's Zombie Farrah Fawcett next to her

Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 05:20 PM (uR5Zf)


Mallamutt, Did you vote for Keyes in 04 or was he to teh crazy for you?

Too crazy. And the thing with his daughter pissed me off beyond belief. I get it, you have certain beliefs and don't wish to compromise them. Fine. But to turn on your own daughter because of her choices......bullshit.

So I voted for whoever the hell the libertarian was at the time.

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 05:20 PM (OWjjx)

150 William Conrad did the voice for what tv show's opening...?

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 09:18 PM (g73jP)

Oh, too cute.

Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 05:20 PM (uR5Zf)


If that was just a year ago, then that's Zombie Farrah Fawcett next to her

Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 09:20 PM (uR5Zf)

Lol....my bad...that was 2006.  I looked at the wrong date.

Posted by: Tami at April 29, 2011 05:21 PM (VuLos)

152 Give up? William Conrad was the narrator for Rocky & Bullwinkle. And he was the voice you heard at the beginning of Buck Rogers with Gil Gerrard and whatshername.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 05:22 PM (UQjUb)


If that was just a year ago, then that's Zombie Farrah Fawcett next to her

Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 09:20 PM (uR5Zf)

She left a good lookin corpse didn't she? Mobile too.

Posted by: robtr at April 29, 2011 05:22 PM (MtwBb)

154 William Conrad did the voice for what tv show's opening...?

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 09:18 PM (g73jP)

Night Rider?

Posted by: Truck Monkey at April 29, 2011 05:22 PM (yQWNf)


Posted by: Tami at April 29, 2011 09:13 PM (VuLos)

If that was just a year ago, then that's Zombie Farrah Fawcett next to her

Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 09:20 PM (uR5Zf)

Oh man, that's horrible. But I am laughing. And also hoping I don't get struck by lightning.

Posted by: Marcus at April 29, 2011 05:23 PM (aFKlD)

156 Career ender? Not quite. She was in a popular series with Bruce Boxleitner called the Scarecrow is Banging Mrs King

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 05:24 PM (g73jP)

157 158, Hell I don't know. To me his best part was Pappy Boyington in Black sheep squadron.

Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at April 29, 2011 05:24 PM (cDRYC)


OT: DUmmies on $5 gas.  Turns out it's the Kochs who control worldwide oil prices.  Who knew Jimmy Carter was such a genius visionary?  And who knew there were oil tankers parked off the coast just waiting for the price to rise?

You can learn a lot at DU.

Posted by: FUBAR at April 29, 2011 05:24 PM (1fanL)

159 She was in a popular series with Bruce Boxleitner called the Scarecrow is Banging Mrs King

Oh, is that where everyone knew him from?

Posted by: Londo Mollari at April 29, 2011 05:26 PM (uqJo6)

160 He did do voice work in Knight Rider, as a matter of fact. But KITT was voiced by William Daniels.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 05:26 PM (UQjUb)

161  If the minimal reason the State exists is to protect human life and rights, and you can't prove the fetus is not a person, then the State has a precautionary responsibility.

Posted by: Jeffrey Quick at April 29, 2011 09:18 PM (fIIPH)

The state has no jurisdiction in life matters, at all as far as I'm concerned.

Where life is concerned, it deserves the benefit of the doubt.

Posted by: ErikW at April 29, 2011 05:26 PM (/9K4i)

162 hahahaha, that's Robert Conrad

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 05:27 PM (g73jP)

163 Kelly's Heroes is pretty dang lame next to its contemporary The Dirty Dozen.

But you want a bad war movie?  Battle of the Bulge.

Posted by: nickless at April 29, 2011 05:28 PM (MMC8r)


@49: "Remember the FORD GRANADA?"

Didn't teh Evul Raygun invade that place?

Posted by: Fa Cube Itches at April 29, 2011 05:28 PM (xy9wk)

165 To me his best part was Pappy Boyington in Black sheep squadron.

Dammit, now I'm going to spend the next three hours watching those on YouTube.

Posted by: lowandslow at April 29, 2011 05:28 PM (GZitp)

166 But KITT was voiced by William Daniels.

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 09:26 PM (UQjUb)

I loved him in Dumb and Dumber. 

Posted by: Truck Monkey at April 29, 2011 05:28 PM (yQWNf)

167 May we have his long-form BC, please, so our experts can pass judgements on its authenticity?

Posted by: I'mWithStupid at April 29, 2011 05:29 PM (xhNbo)

168 169 You are Welcome.

Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at April 29, 2011 05:29 PM (cDRYC)

169 What is this, an Abbot & Costello routine?

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 05:30 PM (UQjUb)

170 173, More a Hope and Crosby on the road to some fucking place.

Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at April 29, 2011 05:31 PM (cDRYC)

171 That's a broad brush, but the fiscal cons need to be in the lead right now, I feel.


Posted by: Dumb_Blonde at April 29, 2011 05:31 PM (+pEDS)

172 I loved Cannon, especially when he would chase people through heavily wooded areas in his giant Oldmobile because he was too fat to run.

Posted by: TexasJew at April 29, 2011 05:32 PM (uR5Zf)

173 176, What makes him different from any other local cop in the country. Our School has an on site deputy. That fat bastard needs to meet Jenny Craig.

Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at April 29, 2011 05:34 PM (cDRYC)


Also in The Battle of the Bulge

Tell me about it

Posted by: Moochelle's Spandex pants at April 29, 2011 05:36 PM (AnTyA)

175 176 Actually I believe that Cannon drove a Lincoln Mark II.

Posted by: Truck Monkey at April 29, 2011 05:36 PM (yQWNf)


Why is it that everyone sees abortion as the only social issue?  Medicare, medicaid, and social security are all social issues.   So is most of the bullshit that deWon touts on a daily basis, especially deWoncare.

You can't run on putting social issues on the back burner, if you want to win a Republican primary.   Oh, and union raping of our tax dollars is a social issue, too.    Fine, Daniels is pro-life.   Don't think for a minute it won't be one of the issues the dems won't push to the front.

Posted by: Steph at April 29, 2011 05:36 PM (AkdC5)


The point i guess is that there are poor people out there that planned parenthood does help. I know they do a lot of harm too but they do some good.

Posted by: robtr at April 29, 2011 08:33 PM (MtwBb)

Fine, but I should not have to pay for it.

They make billions, and should not be funded by the government.

Posted by: lou at April 29, 2011 05:37 PM (R21xD)


People are worried about fiscal issues.  Lead with fiscal issues.  Make everything a fiscal issue, which everything is.

Frame social issues as fiscal ones:  we'd have a bunch more tax revenue coming in right now if those 30 millions babies hadn't been aborted, for example.  And we'd have more soldiers for Obama's wars.

We should really force all these single young Democrats to quit selfishly living alone and move in together to save money, energy, and Gaia.

And espresso drinks, for crying out loud?  Are those really necessary?  They're wasteful as hell, I know that.  Coffee to make one shot of espresso would make 4-5 cups of regular coffee.  And don't get me started on the energy used by an espresso machine vs. the energy used by a coffee maker.

Posted by: FUBAR at April 29, 2011 05:38 PM (1fanL)

179 I just finished cleaning out my wife's marijuana pipe. The things we men do for love...

Posted by: Samuel Adams at April 29, 2011 05:39 PM (EcDgd)

180 Buddy Ebson is Barnaby Jones.  Another implausable series.  A 70 year old dick chasing down young punks.

Posted by: Truck Monkey at April 29, 2011 05:41 PM (yQWNf)

181 Ellery Queen was an odd show. He stopped and talked to the camera. "Do you know who it is, yet?"

Posted by: Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 05:42 PM (UQjUb)

182 Let me be the first to call for Mitch Daniels birth certificate.

Posted by: KDNY at April 29, 2011 05:44 PM (ECt2r)

183 Buddy Ebson is Barnaby Jones.  Another implausable series.  A 70 year old dick chasing down young punks.

Yeah well, Buddy was rather implausible. Thanks to him I played the tin man. Fuck the Beverly Hillbillies, I was in Wizard of Oz bitches.

Posted by: Jack Haley at April 29, 2011 05:44 PM (EcDgd)


Fine, but I should not have to pay for it.

They make billions, and should not be funded by the government.

Posted by: lou at April 29, 2011 09:37 PM (R21xD)

Yeah, I hear you. They make their billion from abortions though. The stuff I was talking about is free I think, or really cheap.

They make a pretty good argument that if they quit doing the birth control side of their business that their abortion business would be a lot better than it already is.

So I don't know what the answer is, I was just sharing a story where they did some good.

Posted by: robtr at April 29, 2011 05:45 PM (MtwBb)


Let me be the first to call for Mitch Daniels birth certificate.

Sorry dude, your about ninty minutes too late.

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 05:45 PM (OWjjx)


@96: "Also in The Battle of the Bulge, I think.  He played a tank commander whose French (I think) girlfriend was (probably) killed when the Germans overran her town."

Battle of the Bulge was filmed in Spain to simulate a battle fought in Belgium.  Yeah, they look a lot alike.

Posted by: Fa Cube Itches at April 29, 2011 05:46 PM (xy9wk)

187 Mitch who? zzzzzzzzzzz

Posted by: Flapjackmaka at April 29, 2011 05:46 PM (u8JAM)


Forget Mitch Daniels.


Posted by: Paulbot 60921 at April 29, 2011 05:46 PM (OWjjx)

189 Bob Dole says Ron Paul! Ron Paul!

Posted by: Bob Dole at April 29, 2011 05:48 PM (EcDgd)

190 Here is the next porn tape I want to see; John Edwards and Rielle Hunter.

"Hunter has sued Young and his wife Cheri to force the return of a videotape that allegedly shows Hunter and Edwards having sex. Young says he found the tape while packing boxes in a home near Chapel Hill, North Carolina where Hunter lived with the Youngs for a time."

What the heck Ace? How did you miss this??

Posted by: Marcus at April 29, 2011 05:48 PM (aFKlD)

191 He stopped and talked to the camera. "Do you know who it is, yet?"


Posted by: lowandslow at April 29, 2011 05:48 PM (GZitp)

192 This thread is as dead as William Conrad.

Posted by: steevy at April 29, 2011 05:48 PM (L7K+f)

193 This place is dead anyway.

Posted by: Delta Smelt channeling Swingers at April 29, 2011 05:51 PM (dWPyO)

194 Who loves ya Babeeeeeeeeee?

Posted by: Zombie Telly Savalas at April 29, 2011 05:51 PM (yQWNf)

195 196, If I choose to enjoy a porn video I don't think it will star John "breck Girl" Edwards. As a matter of fact, I think I would rather watch a muzztard stoning.

Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at April 29, 2011 05:52 PM (cDRYC)

196 193 Mitch who? zzzzzzzzzzz
Posted by: Flapjackmaka at April 29, 2011 09:46 PM (u8JAM)

Psst.  I'm not running, kid.

Posted by: Sarah Palin at April 29, 2011 05:52 PM (FYCiJ)

197 197 He stopped and talked to the camera. "Do you know who it is, yet?"

Timothy Hutton's dad Jim.

Posted by: ontherocks at April 29, 2011 05:52 PM (HBqDo)

198 I don't often watch porn. But when I do......it is not one featuring John Edwards and Rielle Hunter.

Posted by: The Most Interesting Man in The World. at April 29, 2011 05:52 PM (OWjjx)

199 Trump on C-SPAN right now, they didn't edit his F-BOMB

Posted by: Jose at April 29, 2011 05:53 PM (WTNJJ)

200 196 That story was out ages ago.(Last year at least)Supposedly you see Edwards totally into himself on camera,not surprisingly.

Posted by: steevy at April 29, 2011 05:53 PM (L7K+f)

201 202, Liar Liar socks on fire.

Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at April 29, 2011 05:53 PM (cDRYC)

202 This thread is as dead as William Conrad.

Yeah well I'm not. I just spent 8 months in a hospital and I can still get it up. BOB DOLE, 2012!

Posted by: Bob Dole at April 29, 2011 05:53 PM (EcDgd)

203 189

Fine, but I should not have to pay for it.

They make billions, and should not be funded by the government.

Posted by: lou at April 29, 2011 09:37 PM (R21xD)

Yeah, I hear you. They make their billion from abortions though. The stuff I was talking about is free I think, or really cheap.

They make a pretty good argument that if they quit doing the birth control side of their business that their abortion business would be a lot better than it already is.

So I don't know what the answer is, I was just sharing a story where they did some good.

Posted by: robtr at April 29, 2011 09:45 PM (MtwBb)

They never did good. The founder was anti-black and saw abortion as a way to get rid of black babies. Evil bitch she was.

Posted by: lou at April 29, 2011 05:53 PM (R21xD)

204 Mitch is sad sad individual. Sad.

Posted by: Donald The Destroyer at April 29, 2011 05:54 PM (EL+OC)


Yeah well I'm not. I just spent 8 months in a hospital and I can still get it up. BOB DOLE, 2012!

Your not Bob Dole. Bob Dole does not say "I".

Bob Dole would say your statement as:

Yeah, well Bob Dole isn't. Bob Dole just spent 8 monthis in a hospital and Bob Dole can still get his little Bob Dole up.

Posted by: Mallamutt, I can do Rickey Henderson in the 5th Ricky - Bob Dole is easy at April 29, 2011 05:55 PM (OWjjx)

206 210, Yes, I think you have a point. Watching him give a speech is like watching Glum from gullivers travels (The Banana splits), or Schleprock from the Flinstones.

Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at April 29, 2011 05:56 PM (cDRYC)

207 Big goverment blimp Mike Huckabee is going to run.God help us.

Posted by: steevy at April 29, 2011 05:56 PM (L7K+f)


Trump on C-SPAN right now, they didn't edit his F-BOMB

C-Span has one camera. They can't afford editing equipment.

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 05:56 PM (OWjjx)

209 In a B5 universe I've always thought of Sarah P as Delenn. But where the heck is our Captain Sheridan?

Posted by: lurker at April 29, 2011 05:56 PM (ETQWR)

210 187 Let me be the first to call for Mitch Daniels birth certificate.
Posted by: KDNY at April 29, 2011 09:44 PM (ECt2r)

The moment he locks it away I'll be right with you on that.

Posted by: The War Between the Undead States at April 29, 2011 05:57 PM (FYCiJ)


@208: "Yeah well I'm not. I just spent 8 months in a hospital and I can still get it up. BOB DOLE, 2012!"

Campaign slogan: "Harder than Chinese math"

Posted by: Fa Cube Itches at April 29, 2011 05:57 PM (xy9wk)

212 Delta Smelt supports Dole/ Henderson 2012.

Posted by: Delta Smelt at April 29, 2011 05:58 PM (dWPyO)

213 213, Good anaolgy, Hucksterbee is like the Hindinberg. Impressive as hell till he crashes and burns.

Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at April 29, 2011 05:58 PM (cDRYC)

214 I'm already sick of the comments saying that Daniels is "too boring" or something like that.  This is the same bullshit that put Fred Thompson under and for no good reason.  I mean, I understand that there's a point to be made about the importance of PR and persona in politics.  But look who's making those points: people like Trump and Obama.  I think the country is ready for a serious sober candidate who isn't going to play along with the reality show spectacle the media set up for 2008.

Posted by: JeremiadBullfrog at April 29, 2011 05:58 PM (Y5I9o)

215 219 Hindenberg was a rigid airship,a derigible,not a blimp.Damn my pedantry!!

Posted by: steevy at April 29, 2011 05:59 PM (L7K+f)

216 Brian Lamb can fart on the spot to edit out all vulgarities.

Posted by: Delta Smelt at April 29, 2011 05:59 PM (dWPyO)

217 Campaign slogan: "Harder than Chinese math" Thanks fucker, now I have to get a dishrag to clean the Brandy and Coke from my Key Board.

Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at April 29, 2011 05:59 PM (cDRYC)

218 213 Big goverment blimp Mike Huckabee is going to run.God help us.

Posted by: steevy at April 29, 2011 09:56 PM (L7K+f)

nah dont see it.

Posted by: Flapjackmaka at April 29, 2011 05:59 PM (u8JAM)


"The point i guess is that there are poor people out there that planned parenthood does help. I know they do a lot of harm too but they do some good."

And Hezbollah distributes food to poor people in the Middle East...

All the "good" that Planned Parenthood does could easily be done by any number of other organizations that aren't also in the killing business.   PP is the largest abortion provider in the country and everything else they do is just a front for that.    ANY funding they get from anywhere furthers their abortion racket -- money is fungible. 


Posted by: JPS at April 29, 2011 06:00 PM (wS6Sf)

220 Goddamnit! I can speak in the third and first person anytime I want! Don't you lecture me son, I was wounded in Italy and lost to Clinton. Plus, Bob Dole cried at Richard Nixon's funeral.

Posted by: Bob Dole at April 29, 2011 06:00 PM (EcDgd)


 Hucksterbee is like the Hindinberg.

Oldsailor's poet at April 29, 2011 09:58 PM (cDRYC)

The Hindenberg had hairy, sweaty man boobs?

Posted by: Truck Monkey at April 29, 2011 06:00 PM (yQWNf)

222 Psst.  I'm not running, kid.

Posted by: Sarah Palin at April 29, 2011 09:52 PM (FYCiJ)

Until she says no undead. She has shown some signs. Only not as obvious as the iowa/nh/sc panderers.

Posted by: Flapjackmaka at April 29, 2011 06:01 PM (u8JAM)

223 Time to kill some aliens.

I'll check back for the ONT.

Posted by: Ed Anger at April 29, 2011 06:01 PM (7+pP9)


Delta Smelt supports Dole/ Henderson 2012.

Of God, can you imagine the Vice-Presidential debate. That would almost be worth supporting Bob Dole.

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 06:01 PM (OWjjx)

225 Big goverment blimp Mike Huckabee is going to run.God help us.
Posted by: steevy at April 29, 2011 09:56 PM (L7K+f)

His wife is one scary lookin' dude.

Posted by: ontherocks at April 29, 2011 06:02 PM (HBqDo)


Posted by: Bob Dole at April 29, 2011 10:00 PM (EcDgd)

Can I see some ID, Bob?

Posted by: Snide Bitch in Kansas Who Only Takes American Express at April 29, 2011 06:02 PM (FYCiJ)

227 227, No, but he is roundish and plodding and caused a number of people to die.

Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at April 29, 2011 06:03 PM (cDRYC)


 That would almost be worth supporting Bob Dole.

Henderson would dominate Biden.

Posted by: Delta Smelt at April 29, 2011 06:03 PM (dWPyO)


Of God, can you imagine the Vice-Presidential debate. That would almost be worth supporting Bob Dole.

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 10:01 PM (OWjjx)

I know.  Hollywood Henderson is old school INSANE!

Posted by: Truck Monkey at April 29, 2011 06:03 PM (yQWNf)


Henderson would dominate Biden.

Biden would get confused and ask Ricky which Ricky he was talking about.

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 06:05 PM (OWjjx)

Can I see some ID, Bob?

Posted by: Snide Bitch in Kansas Who Only Takes American Express at April 29, 2011 10:02 PM (FYCiJ)

Bob Dole knows this thread is dead and doesn't need to show ID to some whore in Russell who hasn't seen me since '96. Leave Bob Dole alone before I get my henchman Elizabeth Dole to fuck you up!

Posted by: Bob Dole at April 29, 2011 06:05 PM (EcDgd)

232 Big goverment blimp Mike Huckabee is going to run.God help us.
Posted by: steevy at April 29, 2011 09:56 PM (L7K+f)

His wife is one scary lookin' dude.

Posted by: ontherocks at April 29, 2011 10:02 PM (HBqDo)

They're all fat, every fucking one of them. They ate too many of them Tyson chickens.

Posted by: Samuel Adams at April 29, 2011 06:06 PM (EcDgd)


Ricky love to be Vice-President. Ricky would go to funeral and make people happy. Because those people be all sad and shit and then those people be like,....."look, is that Ricky Henderson. Ricky Henderson is the greatest base stealer of all time."

Cause Ricky is a giver.

Posted by: Ricky Henderson at April 29, 2011 06:07 PM (OWjjx)


Let me be the first to call for Mitch Daniels birth certificate.

Sorry dude, your about ninty minutes too late.


Ok, How about his grade-school transcript!?

Posted by: KDNY at April 29, 2011 06:07 PM (ECt2r)


They're all fat, every fucking one of them. They ate too many of them Tyson chickens.

Posted by: Samuel Adams at April 29, 2011 10:06 PM (EcDgd)

She looks like Janet Reno's twin brother.

Posted by: ontherocks at April 29, 2011 06:08 PM (HBqDo)

236 Can Vince Coleman find a spot in a Henderson Administration?

Posted by: Delta Smelt at April 29, 2011 06:10 PM (dWPyO)

237 lurker, we probably don't want a B5 parallel, what with the nature of the conflict involved.

Posted by: David Petraeus is perfectly happy working for the Earth Alliance at April 29, 2011 06:11 PM (uqJo6)


Can Vince Coleman find a spot in a Henderson Administration?

Muarry Wills still alive?

Posted by: Ricky Henderson at April 29, 2011 06:12 PM (OWjjx)

239 Ah, Christ. Just what we need. The most reliable fiscal conservative goes all social-con on us. Now the Dems will be painting him as Mr. Christcrazy McWomenhater from now until Obama's second inaugural.

I am so tired of this shit.

The ONLY freedoms the liberals care about is where-to-put-the-cock and fetus-killin'. So why run against them on that? Run against them on their nanny-state intrusiveness, their neo-Bolshevik economic tyranny, their Orwellian speech codes, their racist anti-racism measures, their arrogance, their stupidity, or their incompetence. Any or all of those are election-winners.

But instead we have to play to their strengths. Screw that. I thought Daniels was shrewder than this.

Posted by: Trimegistus at April 29, 2011 06:12 PM (xUJfI)

240 Aw, foul stinky Ricky Henderson sock

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 06:13 PM (OWjjx)


Think so, but Tim Raines certainly is.

Posted by: Delta Smelt at April 29, 2011 06:14 PM (dWPyO)

242 And is there anything that possibly last longer than the NFL Draft. I've seen cricket matches move quicker.

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 06:14 PM (OWjjx)

243 1 It's not his conservative bona fides I question. I just am not impressed by his leadership style and I don't think he's shown that he is ready for the national stage. Posted by: Y-not at April 29, 2011 08:01 PM (pW2o Yeah, well surely he's got a leg up on Donald Trump. And Newt. And Huckabee. And Palin. And Paul. And Obama. I don't see Reagan running, alas. But at least this guy & Pawlenty don't come across as members of a traveling carnival show.

Posted by: CoolCzech at April 29, 2011 06:14 PM (kUaEF)


Think so, but Tim Raines certainly is.

Gotta get some young blood in there as well....so need a spot for Micheal Bourne.

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 06:15 PM (OWjjx)

245 Bob Dole knows this thread is dead and doesn't need to show ID to some whore in Russell who hasn't seen me since '96. Leave Bob Dole alone before I get my henchman Elizabeth Dole to fuck you up! Posted by: Bob Dole at April 29, 2011 10:05 PM (EcDgd) This thread is deader than Ben Stein's foreskin.

Posted by: CoolCzech at April 29, 2011 06:15 PM (kUaEF)

246 Mitch Daniels is Goldmember from the Austin Powers movies.  I wonder if he saves his dried skin to eat later?

Posted by: Truck Monkey at April 29, 2011 06:15 PM (yQWNf)

247 Mallamutt, you can catch rounds 4 thru 7 tomorrow!

Posted by: Delta Smelt at April 29, 2011 06:16 PM (dWPyO)

248 They'd do that anyway, even if he never mentioned abortion in any way, shape, or form. He's Roman Catholic, isn't he? I think that's only okay if you're a Dem.

The Roman Catholic position on abortion is uncertain.

Posted by: Nancy Pelosi, yes, I take communion, why do you ask? at April 29, 2011 06:16 PM (OWjjx)

249 @253: speaking of foreskin jokes...

Posted by: CoolCzech at April 29, 2011 06:17 PM (kUaEF)

250 The truce is a good idea. Posted by: arhooley at April 29, 2011 08:08 PM (JpqtI) It is for the general. Pretty much assures Obama's defeat. For the primaries not so much.

Posted by: oleg at April 29, 2011 06:17 PM (/IuX+)

251 All of this hand wringing is unproductive.

Daniels has experience and gravitas, he's smart and has an impressive record, he can point to specific successes in every area where Obama has failed. It will be impossible to Alinsky him.

Watch his interview with Peter Robinson, he is not in favor of a VAT, he was just using that as an example of moving away from taxes on production and savings toward taxes on consumption.

Daniels wants to end Social Security down the road and replace it with something else, that's as conservative a proposal as you will find in this field.

As long as we don't shoot ourselves in the foot Obama is very beatable.

Posted by: Jose at April 29, 2011 06:17 PM (WTNJJ)


Mallamutt, you can catch rounds 4 thru 7 tomorrow!

No. Got 2 games to umpire, son's got a track meet and even if I didn't have that going on, I have socks that need to be sorted.

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 06:18 PM (OWjjx)

253 And is there anything that possibly last longer than the NFL Draft. I've seen cricket matches move quicker.

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at April 29, 2011 10:14 PM (OWjjx)

Complete and utter bullshit. But, I watched it just to see who Dallas drafted and find out when did Daniel Thomas got drafted. Pathetic, we NFL fans are. Oh by the way, Mortenson made a comment about the NFL getting a stay by describing the St. Louis appeals court as "conservative." He also mentioned that two of the judges were appointed by G. W. Bush and that both judges voted for the owners.

Posted by: Samuel Adams at April 29, 2011 06:18 PM (EcDgd)

254 "The Roman Catholic position on abortion is uncertain." What's your point?

Posted by: National Council of Catholic Bishops at April 29, 2011 06:18 PM (kUaEF)

255 Base = money. Base is somewhat social. To ignore them is to kill any shot at the big chair.

Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at April 29, 2011 06:19 PM (cDRYC)

256 This thread is deader than Ben Stein's foreskin.

Posted by: CoolCzech at April 29, 2011 10:15 PM (kUaEF)

I've heard that he saved it and made it into a wallet that, when rubbed, turns into a suitcase.

Posted by: Truck Monkey at April 29, 2011 06:19 PM (yQWNf)

257 This thread is deader than Ben Stein's foreskin.

Posted by: CoolCzech at April 29, 2011 10:15 PM (kUaEF)

I've heard that he saved it and made it into a wallet that, when rubbed, turns into a suitcase.

You apparently forgot that I was a Jew. I can make money off of anything. Remember me from Ferris Bueller?

Posted by: Ben Stein at April 29, 2011 06:21 PM (EcDgd)


, I have socks that need to be sorted.

I have no kids so I have all the time in the world.  I'll take notes on the Cowboys for you.

And drink heavily.

Posted by: Delta Smelt at April 29, 2011 06:21 PM (dWPyO)

259 The signs are telling huck will not run. I've explained it a lot. We just have to see if palin comes in. That is the determining factor

Posted by: Flapjackmaka at April 29, 2011 06:25 PM (u8JAM)

260 23
I was squishy pro-choice until: (1) My wife and I saw our son on the ultrasound and then we lost him a couple of weeks later.  The crushing. emptying grief we felt was the grief one feels for a lost child, not a wisdom tooth.  (2) We adopted our two children.  Their existence (or not) is not morally neutral.  The two teenage girls who chose to give our children life and then chose to give them up for a better life are the two bravest, most moral human beings to ever touch my life.

Posted by: Antonini at April 29, 2011 08:18 PM (u+8qs)

24 Obama the....cowboy (???)  says....Chris Matthews (s

That was a beautiful comment, my friend. I am sorry for your loss.

Posted by: The Drizzle at April 29, 2011 06:25 PM (ysCLj)

261 I'll take notes on the Cowboys for you.

And drink heavily.

Well, I'm drinking heavily too and I see that the Cowboys got Tyron Smith, Bruce Carter, and DeMarco Murray?????? Okay, the first two picks are understandable, but Murray? With Jones, Choice, and Barber? Are you fucking kidding me? Hey Delta, how 'bout we give you Barber for your first pick?

Posted by: Samuel Adams at April 29, 2011 06:25 PM (EcDgd)

262 266 The signs are telling huck will not run. I've explained it a lot. We just have to see if palin comes in. That is the determining factor


Posted by: Jiminy Cricket at April 29, 2011 06:26 PM (FYCiJ)

263 Better yet, we'll take Rahim Moore.

Posted by: Samuel Adams at April 29, 2011 06:26 PM (EcDgd)

264 263 "This thread is deader than Ben Stein's foreskin." Posted by: CoolCzech at April 29, 2011 10:15 PM (kUaEF) I've heard that he saved it and made it into a wallet that, when rubbed, turns into a suitcase. Posted by: Truck Monkey at April 29, 2011 10:19 PM (yQWNf) The fun thing about having your foreskin is convincing bimbos that it's a condom.

Posted by: CoolCzech at April 29, 2011 06:27 PM (kUaEF)

265 The fun thing about having your foreskin is convincing bimbos that it's a condom.

Do you have erection issues? Foreskins are gone with erections.

Posted by: Samuel Adams at April 29, 2011 06:29 PM (EcDgd)

266 Foreskins are gone with erections penetration. Posted by: Samuel Adams at April 29, 2011 10:29 PM (EcDgd) FTFY

Posted by: CoolCzech at April 29, 2011 06:34 PM (kUaEF)

267 I know abortion's not morally neutral, but why not just shut the fuck up about it until after getting sworn in as President? It's not like anyone who hates abortion is going to vote for Obama in the first place.

Posted by: Trimegistus at April 29, 2011 06:36 PM (xUJfI)

268 245 Ah, Christ. Just what we need. The most reliable fiscal conservative goes all social-con on us. Now the Dems will be painting him as Mr. Christcrazy McWomenhater from now until Obama's second inaugural.

I am so tired of this shit.

The ONLY freedoms the liberals care about is where-to-put-the-cock and fetus-killin'. So why run against them on that? Run against them on their nanny-state intrusiveness, their neo-Bolshevik economic tyranny, their Orwellian speech codes, their racist anti-racism measures, their arrogance, their stupidity, or their incompetence. Any or all of those are election-winners.

But instead we have to play to their strengths. Screw that. I thought Daniels was shrewder than this.

Posted by: Trimegistus at April 29, 2011 10:12 PM (xUJfI)


Bullshit, the government funds them, planned parenthood makes a shit load of money, so it is a fiscal issue. He is not trying to stop planned parenthood, he is saying we should not fund them.

So yeah, it would save the government money, and they can go about their evil deed with profits made from killing babies.

Planned parenthood is rich, why the fuck are we funding them?

Posted by: lou at April 29, 2011 06:39 PM (R21xD)

269 It would be a huge improvement if we could just stop tax payer funded partial birth abortions.  Those are so f'd up even Russia and Europe do not legally perform them where here they are tax payer funded.

Posted by: Shiggz at April 29, 2011 06:45 PM (mLAWK)

270 Awesome. I was just aching for another candidate I can't get excited about regardless of how many blue pills he Doles out.

Posted by: orAaron at April 29, 2011 08:50 PM (PMU9p)

271 More proof that Obama was born in Hawaii ... from a FOIA on Obama Sr. that was released on Wednesday ...


Page 34 - "They have one child born Honolulu 08/04/1961."

Granted the rest of the document makes Obama Sr. look like a polygamist, illegal alien, foreign national, and complete *free shit army* leechfuck douchebag ...

Posted by: The Total Lack of Obama's Transparency at April 29, 2011 09:38 PM (TLqEw)


Mitch Daniels appears to agree with the "death panel" idea for saving money.

How about the "kick them the hell out" idea for illegals getting free medical care, college tuition, and other goodies before we begin offing granny and grandpa by denying them life-saving decisions?

Mitch? You're another slightly crazy cousin who should be in the attic. He's one cold man who looks like he's slightly deranged and would make a great mortician or Nazi guard.

Gee...do I sound negative?

Don't like his face, and women won't vote for such a dour-looking man.

Posted by: Hard Truth at April 30, 2011 05:24 AM (1kwr2)

273 "Daniels has experience and gravitas, he's smart and has an impressive record, he can point to specific successes in every area where Obama has failed. It will be impossible to Alinsky him."  

If you think it is "impossible" to Alinsky anyone, then you don't understand Alinsky. 

He's just what we need.  Another Ivy League suit just like the Ivy League suits who have preceded him for the past 30+ years.   The democrat / media cabal will knock this guy's teeth out then kick him in the stomach for mumbling.  The second day will be even worse.  

The State of Indiana has funded Planned Parenthood every single day his Mitchness has been governor.  He's just now discovering this is a bad idea?   Right after the Tea Party raised holy hell about it.  A coincidence I'm sure.  Great minds thinking alike, etc. etc.   

Can anybody name one single leftist who gives a tinker's damn about Mitch Daniels?    Something to think about. 

P.S. "Gravitas" is a liberal talking point first used in 2000 as a way to say Bush was too stupid to be president.    

P.P.S., Daniels went from being Richard Lugar's number one butt boy to the Bush White House to carrying the bag for Eli Lilly to Governor of Indiana.  Is that what we now call experience and gravitas?    

Yea but who cares.  After all any doorknob with feet could beat Obama.  That's what all the smart guys say.   A winning strategy I'm sure. 

Posted by: VADM (Red) Cuthbert Collingwood RN at April 30, 2011 10:33 AM (onxiv)


The democrat / media cabal will knock this guy's teeth out then kick him in the stomach for mumbling. 


Can you name me a Republican candidate that the democrate/media cabal won't do this to?

Posted by: judd at April 30, 2011 11:56 AM (Ww3Yz)

275 I agree that Daniels will get the Palin treatment.  They have even set the groundwork for it, if you look around.

But he can counter this with being a serious and experienced leader.  It simply isn't possible to write him off as an empty suit.  It just won't happen.  they will instead cast him as a bad person with constant demonization, and try to distract from his credentials.

Can Daniels fight back?  Our nominee must fight back.  Just because someone isn't yet doing that doesn't mean they can't.  Daniels did take on the unions very early on in his administration, and if I recall, he was relentless until he won, and then moved on like a professional.

We'll see.  Our nominee candidates need to duke it out so we see who has the ability to fight back.  A person with Daniels's values and fiscal focus and experience, plus an ability to fight back, is my ideal.

Posted by: Dustin at April 30, 2011 12:37 PM (Q3nWV)

276 Hmm, I have a feeling that it doesn't seem right..

Posted by: pacman vs margarito at April 30, 2011 06:25 PM (SNLC/)

277 No more tax money for the murder of the unborn no more blood money to the UN and the zero populationists

Posted by: Spurwing Plover at April 30, 2011 09:04 PM (vA9ld)

278 I don't see Reagan running, alas. But at least this guy & Pawlenty don't come across as members of a traveling carnival show. Posted by: CoolCzech at April 29, 2011 10:14 PM Tim "we should have listened to Jimmy Carter" Pawlenty? Seriously? Geez... Yeah, let's replace Obama with this guy: ---------- "The era of small government is over . . . government has to be more proactive, more aggressive." --- Tim Pawlenty, 2006. In April, Mr. Pawlenty delivered the remarks that probably best reveal his views on the environment. "It looks like we should have listened to President Carter," he told the Minnesota Climate Change Advisory Group. "He called us to action, and we should have listened. . . . Climate change is real. Human behavior is partly and may be a lot responsible. Those who donÂ’t think so are simply not right. We should not spend time on voices that say itÂ’s not real." At times it seems that Mr. PawlentyÂ’s first political instinct is to placate liberal critics... ---------- That last statement I bolded could have just as easily been stated by Obama. And had Obama stated it, we would have trashed him for that. But Pawlenty holds that view, and it's a-okay with 'conservatives'? Oy... The guy is a big, "more proactive, more aggressive" government, global warming activist who says that government should not even listen to those who say that AGW is a hoax. Yeah, that sounds like the next great conservative GOP standard bearer. Give me a break. Take everything we hated about Dubya and McCain and that's Tim Pawlenty. And people want him for the next GOP President? No, thank you. In fact let me rephrase that... FUCK.NO.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at April 30, 2011 10:05 PM (NITzp)

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