April 29, 2011

The God That Fails: Round-Up of Obama Stuff From Last Night
— Ace

I was posting later than usual so maybe you missed.

This analysis by Walter Russell Meade about Obama's tendency to fail is the current buzzworthy thing among the intellectual establishment.

The President looks like a man who is ridden by events; at just the moment when the nation craves a strong leader, the President looks weak, dodgy, uncertain. The contrast with the inflated hopes that an untested and inexperienced Senator Obama did so much to build up is crippling. Obama has fallen so far precisely because he and his supporters so hugely oversold him.


We are starting to get to know this President a little better, and his chief besetting fault is increasingly clear: the President falls between stools. He is a man of half measures, a man who spends so much money hedging his bets that he loses even when he wins.

Time and again the President angers one side without conciliating the other....

This repeated lunge for the sour spot — the place where costs are high and benefits are low — now seems to be a trademark of the President’s decision-making style. On the left it is earning him Carter comparisons from people like Eric Alterman; on the right it means that despite his compromises and yielding of significant ground he continues to feed the incandescent hostility of his bitterest foes....

Here is the paradox we face: The President is a consensus-seeker whose decision making style rewards polarization and a conciliator who loses friends without winning over enemies.

The President’s problem is not, I think, that he seeks compromise. It is that the type of compromise he chooses is so ineffective. Splitting the difference is not leadership; leadership is looking at the positions of two sides and finding creative new directions that give something to all sides — but move the ball down the field.

I've omitted all the details/evidence presented in furtherance of this basic case, but they're worth reading. It's a good as any other (non-partisan, non-ideological) explanation for why he's such a failure.

Because it's not expressly ideological, it will be seized upon by the MBM as the Neutral Story Line explaining Obama's failures in terms appealing to liberals.

That said, it's still a smart piece. In addition to the ideological problems not mentioned here, Obama's inexperience and poor instincts cause him to fail and fail again.

In this funny piece I noted that Obama is doing victory laps over his ability to successfully produce a common form of I.D.

And BloggingHeads had a very interesting debate by two black intellectual Obama-voters over what his victory meant, and what is likely failure will mean.

Posted by: Ace at 10:53 AM | Comments (310)
Post contains 463 words, total size 3 kb.

1 "The President looks like a man who is ridden by events..."

This president is starting to look like a man who is ridden by M'Chelle.  And I don't mean that in a good way...

Posted by: Keith Arnold at April 29, 2011 10:56 AM (Jdtsu)

2 Somebody recently described his Presidential attitude or style as someone who shows up for work in the morning with no real plan or goals and just lets the events of the day wash over him hoping for the best.

While I've found this works for me, I don't thinks its that effective for the POTUS.

Posted by: BuckIV at April 29, 2011 10:58 AM (AtjNL)


 his chief besetting fault is increasingly clear: the President falls between stools.

Barry's chief fault is that he IS a stool -- and not the kind you sit on either.

Posted by: AZC at April 29, 2011 10:59 AM (HFscI)


The President’s problem is not, I think, that he seeks compromise. It is that the type of compromise he chooses is so ineffective. Splitting the difference is not leadership; leadership is looking at the positions of two sides and finding creative new directions that give something to all sides — but move the ball down the field.

Gosh... it's almost like he has no real leadership experience, or something. 

"MSM - pick up a white courtesy telephone - please!"

Posted by: Charles Gibson at April 29, 2011 10:59 AM (thr9V)

5 The stimulus was the same: large enough to stir up the deficit hawks but too small (and too poorly constructed) to launch a “V” shaped recovery.

Yeah.  Two trillion of borrowed money would have done the trick.

Posted by: Bob Dole at April 29, 2011 10:59 AM (MMC8r)

6 Look, I'm trying to order shrimp here.

Posted by: Preznit Urkle McJugears at April 29, 2011 11:00 AM (UOM48)

7 Bob Dole is socking Bob Dole.

Posted by: nickless at April 29, 2011 11:01 AM (MMC8r)

8 Correction there ace.  A birth certificate used to be a common form of ID for US citizens.  Obama and illegal aliens are the ones that have trouble laying hands on theirs.  In the case of the illegals, it is now improper to even ask for one in a criminal investigation.  Obama just get caught (unfairly) in the white man's system.

Posted by: Hrothgar at April 29, 2011 11:01 AM (yrGif)

9 OT - Awesome bumper-sticker

Prove It. 

Posted by: Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at April 29, 2011 11:01 AM (9hSKh)

10 President "I won" compromised?  When?

Then again, the intelligentsia think any response short of shipping the middle class off to gulags is compromise.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at April 29, 2011 11:02 AM (FkKjr)

11 >>The President looks like a man who is ridden by events; at just the moment when the nation craves a strong leader, the President looks weak, dodgy, uncertain.

And those are his good points as far as I'm concerned.
Can you imagine if this clown was actually an effective stealth Marxist leader.

In picking the most natural beneficiary of the Race Card Insurance Policy they got a shiny clunker, and we may have dodged a lethal salvo.

But it's still too soon to tell.

Posted by: ontherocks at April 29, 2011 11:02 AM (HBqDo)


You'd think they'd be thanking me!

Posted by: B. H. Post Turtle at April 29, 2011 11:02 AM (XBM1t)

13 Perks and personal power give him a woody. Anything tough?....just appoint another study group to kick the can. Easy to be president.

Posted by: long toss at April 29, 2011 11:03 AM (a/9+l)

14 I won.  STFU.

Posted by: Preznit Urkle McJugears at April 29, 2011 11:03 AM (UOM48)


Owaffle looks very uncomfortable "on the ground" comforting the afflicted in Alabama. 

Just not his thing I guess.

Posted by: Delta Smelt at April 29, 2011 11:04 AM (dWPyO)

16 Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at April 29, 2011 03:02 PM (FkKjr)
I thought that part of the stimulus package was to build gulags in flyover country.
You haven't heard about this because the media doesn't cover events in flyover country.  The MFM also likes the concept of gulags.

Posted by: Hrothgar at April 29, 2011 11:04 AM (yrGif)


I read the Meade piece yesterday following the Insty link.  I like it, it's solid, but I feel Meade gives the Preznit way too much credit.  I mean, this?

The PresidentÂ’s problem is not, I think, that he seeks compromise. (MWR - That's right, it's not.) It is that the type of compromise he chooses is so ineffective. (MWR - No, it's because the compromise he chooses is, "Do what I say. Oh, you won't?  Um... Where's Valerie?  I need help. Valerie!")  Splitting the difference is not leadership (MWR - Obama believes talking is leadership.  That's all he's ever believed. Well, and that waffles are awesome.); leadership is looking at the positions of two sides (Obama: "Hang on, TWO sides?  I thought it was understood there would be no math in this administration.") and finding creative new directions that give something to all sides — but move the ball down the field. (MWR - Please don't use sports metaphors in regards to Obama; the irony pains me)

Posted by: MWR at April 29, 2011 11:04 AM (4df7R)

18 Half-measures, you say?

Posted by: George C. McCllelan, Democrat Candidate For President at April 29, 2011 11:04 AM (oDMwn)

19 Is "falls between stools" a common phrase? Because it doesn't sound very good.

Posted by: ParanoidAnxietyGirlInSeattle at April 29, 2011 11:05 AM (RZ8pf)


Scooter bumper stcker for 2012:

It's Not My Fault

Posted by: long toss at April 29, 2011 11:05 AM (a/9+l)

21 In other words, he is who we thought he was?

Remember, we are the simpleminded incurious cretins.

Posted by: A Balrog of Morgoth at April 29, 2011 11:05 AM (oDMwn)

22 My hostility is so incandescent that I am finding I can walk in the dark without need for a flashlight. Thanks for that white-hot adjective.

Posted by: I'mWithStupid at April 29, 2011 11:05 AM (xhNbo)

23 Posted by: ParanoidAnxietyGirlInSeattle at April 29, 2011 03:05 PM (RZ8pf)

That phrase could be subjected to a lot of creative interpretation!

Posted by: Hrothgar at April 29, 2011 11:06 AM (yrGif)


Hey, how about this!

Most transparent. Administration. EVA.

Is it wrong that a feel a happy little shiver up my leg (thanks, Chrissy Matthews!) that this happened in San Fran?  Leftist bastion of dirty hippies and Hunky Jesus?  Is it just me?

Posted by: MWR at April 29, 2011 11:07 AM (4df7R)

25 Summary: Communism still hasn't been tried by the right people.

Posted by: The Mega Independent at April 29, 2011 11:07 AM (4LdVw)


Is there any way we can get Choo Choo Biden to primary Obama. Can you imagine the debates ?! Ace, you could do great piece on this.

Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 11:07 AM (+qHxi)

27 Is "falls between stools" a common phrase? Because it doesn't sound very good.

A lot more common an expression then it was before January, 2009.

Posted by: A Balrog of Morgoth at April 29, 2011 11:07 AM (oDMwn)

28 26 Has anyone ever dozed off during a debate?

Posted by: FlaviusJulius at April 29, 2011 11:09 AM (qIHlG)

29 23 Posted by: ParanoidAnxietyGirlInSeattle at April 29, 2011 03:05 PM (RZ8pf)

That phrase could be subjected to a lot of creative interpretation!

Posted by: Hrothgar at April 29, 2011 03:06 PM (yrGif)

I wondering who would be considered the "Groom of the Stool" in this administration.  I'm leaning toward Poppin' Fresh...

Posted by: MWR at April 29, 2011 11:09 AM (4df7R)

30 He is a man of half measures, a man who spends so much money hedging his bets that he loses even when he wins. Rather than weigh in on that judgment, I'll vote present.

Posted by: George Orwell at April 29, 2011 11:09 AM (ZkHkm)

31 Is "falls between stools" a common phrase? Because it doesn't sound very good.

A lot more common an expression then it was before January, 2009.

Posted by: A Balrog of Morgoth at April 29, 2011 03:07 PM (oDMwn)


That one caught me as kind of odd too !

Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 11:10 AM (+qHxi)

32 Well look at this, Walter Russel Mead finally rolled out of his bunk.  Welcome to the party, pal.

Posted by: Rip Van Winkle channelling Bruce Willis at April 29, 2011 11:11 AM (oDMwn)

33 One half push from Pawlenty and he goes tumbling over! Its in the bag!

Posted by: blaster at April 29, 2011 11:11 AM (Fw2Gg)


"The President’s problem is not, I think, that he seeks compromise. It is that the type of compromise he chooses is so ineffective. Splitting the difference is not leadership; leadership is looking at the positions of two sides and finding creative new directions that give something to all sides — but move the ball down the field."


It couldn't be that this messiah is just a petty ideologue with no real experience with, you know, people? All he had to do to gain re-election was play the game in the middle and not rock the boat. Somehow he thought he was placed here to transform America. No real adult or historical judgement ability would be my assessment. I blame Nancy Pelosi for not guiding the youngster through the wickets of adulthood. Shoosh

Posted by: Goober at April 29, 2011 11:12 AM (Q5+Og)

35 Too bad none of this occurred to me before I supported and than voted for this cockholster.

Mea culpa!

Posted by: Walter Russell Mead at April 29, 2011 11:12 AM (oDMwn)

36 19 Is "falls between stools" a common phrase? Because it doesn't sound very good.
Posted by: ParanoidAnxietyGirlInSeattle at April 29, 2011 03:05 PM (RZ8pf)

I think it means that he finds his work on The Throne totally exhausting.

Posted by: ontherocks at April 29, 2011 11:13 AM (HBqDo)


The piece above mirrors what I have been thinking all along. He was so oversold that anything that actually has any possibility of being sold to the public only let's his lefty base down, but it is left enough to piss everyone else off.

Hence "falling between two stools", you still come out smelling like shit. 

Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 11:13 AM (+qHxi)

38 28 26 Has anyone ever dozed off during a debate?

Posted by: Joe Biden at April 29, 2011 11:13 AM (Q5+Og)

39 36 19 Is "falls between stools" a common phrase? Because it doesn't sound very good.
Posted by: ParanoidAnxietyGirlInSeattle at April 29, 2011 03:05 PM (RZ8pf)

I think it means that he finds his work on The Throne totally exhausting.
  I took it to mean he was drunk as shit and fell at the bar while trying sit down. Never heard it before.

Posted by: Joe Biden at April 29, 2011 11:15 AM (Q5+Og)

40 26 Has anyone ever dozed off during a debate?

Posted by: FlaviusJulius at April 29, 2011 03:09 PM (qIHlG)

Or missed the train on the way to the debate ?

Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 11:15 AM (+qHxi)

41 28 26 Has anyone ever dozed off during a debate?

Posted by: FlaviusJulius at April 29, 2011 03:09 PM (qIHlG)

... Didn't Ross Perot's running mate (forgive me, I've completely forgotten his name) have some issues during a VP debate?  The poor man had PTSD, if I remember correctly, or head trauma suffered during his service.

Posted by: MWR at April 29, 2011 11:16 AM (4df7R)

42 If it wasn't for the fact that King Barry is married to a beautiful, vivacious, humble and popular First Lady, his presidency would be a total loss.

Posted by: Cicero at April 29, 2011 11:17 AM (QKKT0)


Or missed the train on the way to the debate ?

Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 03:15 PM (+qHxi)

Or had his train break down on the way to a debate?

Posted by: MWR at April 29, 2011 11:17 AM (4df7R)

44 The President looks like a man who is ridden by events; at just the moment when the nation craves a strong leader, Keep your fascist yearnings to yourself, pal. What half the nation craves is liberty, it's the other half that longs for A Strong Man. Walter Fucking Russell Meade, pining for Caesar instead of Caesarion.

Posted by: George Orwell at April 29, 2011 11:18 AM (ZkHkm)


Or missed the train on the way to the debate ?

Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 03:15 PM (+qHxi)

Or had his train break down on the way to a debate?

Posted by: MWR at April 29, 2011 03:17 PM (4df7R)

Or took the wrong train

Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 11:19 AM (+qHxi)


"MSM - pick up a white courtesy telephone - please!"

Posted by: Charles Gibson


Posted by: Blue Hen at April 29, 2011 11:19 AM (6rX0K)

47 This Obama-as-failure storyline won't work. The feeling the average person has that something they can't pin down or won't say has been changed massively and irrevocably is right, and because that feeling is vague and/or repressed, it can't be convincingly contradicted. See here, e.g.:

More than half of Americans say the U.S. economy is in a recession or a depression despite official data that show a moderate recovery, according to a poll released on Thursday.

That'd be the not-40% saying that. And they don't mean what they said. They can't mean it. They don't know what "depression" and "recession" are, definitionally. They mean "shit's fucked up."

And someone did it. And they have a prime suspect. But he's, like, the police chief's son-in-law, so they can't do anything about it.

This is precisely where Trump's wedging in. It doesn't matter that he's retarded and doesn't know what's fucked up or what to do about it. He's "shit's fucked up" guy, pointing at Obama.

He's a relief from repression. He's the wrong one, but he's the only one out there. "You're fine! No one did anything to you," is just going to piss people off.

Posted by: oblig. at April 29, 2011 11:20 AM (xvZW9)


Or took the wrong train

Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 03:19 PM (+qHxi)

Or took the wrong train, which ended up breaking down?

Posted by: MWR at April 29, 2011 11:20 AM (4df7R)

49 Ace, by the way, I read your piece "Just Noting' to my wife, father brother, and it had them rolling on the floor.  Brilliant stuff, so I read it again, and the laughter was even bigger than before.  Even my little 7-month old was laughing (but he laughs at everything).  It is probably the most entertaining piece I have read on the web in a while, and the sad thing is just how true it is.  Keep the ball rolling.

Posted by: The Great and Secret Show at April 29, 2011 11:20 AM (hyDaS)

50 ... Didn't Ross Perot's running mate (forgive me, I've completely forgotten his name) have some issues during a VP debate?  The poor man had PTSD, if I remember correctly, or head trauma suffered during his service.

Not really issues, he said "who am i and why am i here", he was trying to introduce himself but being an older guy people turned it into a senile/alzheimer joke.

Posted by: booger at April 29, 2011 11:21 AM (9RFH1)


--The contrast with the inflated hopes that an untested and inexperienced Senator Obama did so much to build up is crippling. Obama has fallen so far precisely because he and his supporters so hugely oversold him.

This seems to be the last stand of the leftards.  They want to say that Obama just doesn't reach the stratospheric levels of greatness he was sold as.  That's a joke. Obama fails even by low-bar, handicapped minor expectations.  Obama does not fail at being super-smart.  He fails at being even passably intelligent (and he fails spectacularly at this).

Obama could not even reach the minimal standards.  That the lefties are trying to claim that he only fails the super-standards (their own fantasies, in any event) is the most dramatic understatement one can think of.  Obama isn't failing on some insane curve.  He's getting raw scores of 36 on tests that the average person scores a 73 on.

Posted by: Henry Harold Humphries - you can call me 'H' at April 29, 2011 11:22 AM (/CMAw)


Ridden by events.

Is that a nice way of saying he is being gang raped by the presidency, because being gang raped is all he knows how to do?

Posted by: maddogg at April 29, 2011 11:23 AM (OlN4e)

53 Intellectual establishment? Integrative complexity!

Posted by: tsj017 at April 29, 2011 11:24 AM (4YUWF)


... Didn't Ross Perot's running mate (forgive me, I've completely forgotten his name) have some issues during a VP debate?  The poor man had PTSD, if I remember correctly, or head trauma suffered during his service.

James Stockdale.  It's sad that he's become kind of an avatar for the doofus old guy.  He was an extraordinary American hero.  I urge anyone who's interested to check out his personal story. 

Posted by: Cicero at April 29, 2011 11:24 AM (QKKT0)

55 The lefties are somewhere between anger and bargaining now. Depression is next.

Posted by: Kübler-Ross at April 29, 2011 11:24 AM (ZkHkm)


How 'bout if I say I only hate Obama's white half? Does that keep me from being called a racist?

Posted by: LGoPs at April 29, 2011 11:25 AM (+Uv5V)

57 " "They would never say this about a white president!!!""

That there?  That's called "demnesia."

Posted by: Stoop Davy Dave at April 29, 2011 11:25 AM (ljQak)

58 Ace, The "Just Noting" post is in my top 10 favorite AoS posts. Wish I had been awake for it. THAT is how you conduct a beatdown: facts and insults. It's not an ad hominem attack if it's true, MOTHERFUCKERS.

Posted by: Empire of Jeff at April 29, 2011 11:25 AM (W7Ddq)

59 "Is that a nice way of saying he is being gang raped by the presidency, because being gang raped is all he knows how to do?" I hereby announce my candidacy for president.

Posted by: The Chicken at April 29, 2011 11:26 AM (4YUWF)

60 Just to note: Just because the Mead piece focuses on the non-ideological failures of Obama doesn't mean it's wrong. it just means it's incomplete. Obama just might be a full-spectrum failure: A failure on the ideological stuff and a failure on the non-ideological stuff, the traits needed to at least be politically successful (while ideologically in error).

Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 11:26 AM (nj1bB)

61 The Great and Secret Show, Thank you for saying so. It never gets old, hearing that.

Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 11:27 AM (nj1bB)

62 Thanks, Empire! Means a lot from you.

Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 11:27 AM (nj1bB)


"In this funny piece I noted that Obama is doing victory laps over his ability to successfully produce a common form of I.D."

Except that he hasn't - a number of folks (Denninger, National Review, etc.) have noted problems with the supposed "copy" he produced, including the fact that the White House version isn't the same as the AP's version.

I don't think any of them are saying he wasn't born in HI, just that the birth certificate that was presented is fabricated.

Posted by: Fa Cube Itches at April 29, 2011 11:28 AM (xy9wk)


Obama is qualified to be a barrista at Starbucks. Nothing more. His rise is a testament to the power of the media. It is the media that is the true enemy of the American people.

Posted by: LGoPs at April 29, 2011 11:28 AM (+Uv5V)

65 The lefties are somewhere between anger and bargaining now. Depression is next.

Lefties have been between denial and anger since 'the Revolution' failed to spread in 1918.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at April 29, 2011 11:29 AM (FkKjr)


@4: ""MSM - pick up a white courtesy telephone - please!""

Fuckin' racist.  Do you like movies about gladiators?

Posted by: Capt. Clarence Oveur at April 29, 2011 11:30 AM (xy9wk)

67 Just to note: Just because the Mead piece focuses on the non-ideological failures of Obama doesn't mean it's wrong. it just means it's incomplete.

Obama just might be a full-spectrum failure: A failure on the ideological stuff and a failure on the non-ideological stuff, the traits needed to at least be politically successful (while ideologically in error).

Posted by: ace


At least he has Libya. And at this rate, so will his successors.

Posted by: Blue Hen at April 29, 2011 11:30 AM (326rv)

... Didn't Ross Perot's running mate (forgive me, I've completely forgotten his name) have some issues during a VP debate?  The poor man had PTSD, if I remember correctly, or head trauma suffered during his service.

Not really issues, he said "who am i and why am i here", he was trying to introduce himself but being an older guy people turned it into a senile/alzheimer joke.

Adm. Stockdale. Great American, balls of steel. But at the time of the election, he was already 10 or 15 years too old & broken down for the VP job, considering the hardships he'd endured in Vietnam.

And I'll always despise Perot for dragging Stockdale into the cesspool of national politics.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 29, 2011 11:30 AM (7YzRS)


I'll chime in with the love of the "Just Noting" post, too.  I emailed the link to my sister and she emailed right back that she was cracking the hell up.

Our favorite line: "Remember -- remember when I produced the shit out of that birth certificate?"

The sense of longing for a moment of glory long since past... The wistful remembrance of brighter days... The hang-up on something so maddeningly inconsequential, yet somehow infused with the power to affect the music of the spheres...

Totally Obama.

Posted by: MWR at April 29, 2011 11:30 AM (4df7R)

70 Gosh... it's almost like he has no real leadership experience, or something. Sarah Palin is totally inexperienced and unvetted! And why are you looking at us like that?

Posted by: MSfuckin'M at April 29, 2011 11:31 AM (RD7QR)

71 fa cube, Please. NRO actually debunked that. Did you read them? Or has someone written some new piece I missed? The conspiracy theory is over. It's dead. Let me say this: We are in wide agreement that Obama needs to be defeated. Why are you insisting on elevating one reason that most of us find revolting in its stupidity? Do you wish to win an election or merely personally vindicate yourself such that elitist scum like me are forced to say "you were right all along"? We have ten good reasons we all agree on to oust Obama, but the Birthers are goddamned determined to make the number one reason (or top three) a reason that most of the country finds illegitimate and insane. Can you explain that strange priority system?

Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 11:31 AM (nj1bB)


I don't think any of them are saying he wasn't born in HI, just that the birth certificate that was presented is fabricated.

Posted by: Fa Cube Itches


 I still say that Trump or somebody should present it to Mary Mapes and Rather for scrutiny. It would be like when Kerry was endorsed by dictators.

Posted by: Blue Hen at April 29, 2011 11:32 AM (326rv)


Obama is qualified to be a barrista janitor on night duty at a Detroit Starbucks. Nothing more. His rise is a testament to the power of the media. It is the media that is the true enemy of the American people.

Posted by: LGoPs at April 29, 2011 03:28 PM (+Uv5V)


Posted by: MWR at April 29, 2011 11:33 AM (4df7R)

74 Obama and illegal aliens are the ones that have trouble laying hands on theirs.

Axually illegal aliens have no trouble obtaining multiple birth certificates for as many countries as they need and the ones they buy are of better quality than that thing up now on whitehouse.gov.

Posted by: Bob Saget at April 29, 2011 11:33 AM (F/4zf)


Except that he hasn't - a number of folks (Denninger, National Review, etc.) have noted problems with the supposed "copy" he produced, including the fact that the White House version isn't the same as the AP's version.

I don't think any of them are saying he wasn't born in HI, just that the birth certificate that was presented is fabricated.

Fucking hell. LET IT GO ALREADY.

He could dig up his parent's corpses and have a DNA test performed in front of a stadium full of people and the Internet Detective Squad would still scream "it's a fake!!!"

Posted by: Hollowpoint at April 29, 2011 11:33 AM (SY2Kh)

76 It is the media that is the true enemy of the American people.
Posted by: LGoPs at April 29, 2011 03:28 PM (+Uv5V)

Just add union dominated Public Education and I'm with ya. The commies start 'em young and keep 'em dumb. 

Posted by: ontherocks at April 29, 2011 11:34 AM (HBqDo)

77 My main problem with Obama is he won't say "fuck" often enough. That one word is the secret to success in the business world. I'm living proof of it.

Posted by: Donald Trump at April 29, 2011 11:34 AM (ZkHkm)

78 They want to say that Obama just doesn't reach the stratospheric levels of greatness he was sold as.  That's a joke. Obama fails even by low-bar, handicapped minor expectations.  Obama does not fail at being super-smart.  He fails at being even passably intelligent (and he fails spectacularly at this).

Isn't that basically bowling a 37?

Posted by: CUS at April 29, 2011 11:34 AM (wOGfT)


The President looks like a man who is ridden by events

As opposed to the previous president who was hoping to focus on child literacy when jihadis flew planes into the Pentagon, WTC, and a field in Pennsylvania.  Mostly what presidents do is react to events.  Hard to believe Obama was so uprepared for that aspect of the job.  The groovy messiah part?  Aces!


Posted by: Beagle at April 29, 2011 11:34 AM (sOtz/)

80 Isn't that basically bowling a 37?

Posted by: CUS at April 29, 2011 03:34 PM (wOGfT)

Exactly!  And then the ;lefties want to say, "Well, we shouldn't have claimed that his average was 253."  And they think they can get away with this type of real foolishness.

Posted by: Henry Harold Humphries - you can call me 'H' at April 29, 2011 11:37 AM (/CMAw)

81 "Is that a nice way of saying he is being gang raped by the presidency, because being gang raped is all he knows how to do?" I hereby announce my candidacy for president. clamps mouth shut, resists urge to run with it, pulls fingers back from keyboard by a supreme act of will, sweat beading on his brow...

Posted by: Empire of Jeff at April 29, 2011 11:37 AM (W7Ddq)


I just saw where President Petey is heading to Cape Canaveral for the space shuttle launch a photo op with Gabby Giffords.

Think he would have actually gone to Alabama if it weren't right next to Florida???

Posted by: beedubya at April 29, 2011 11:38 AM (AnTyA)

83 I see Jeff is one thin, and very crunchy, fig from meltdown.

Posted by: maddogg at April 29, 2011 11:39 AM (OlN4e)


He could dig up his parent's corpses and have a DNA test performed in front of a stadium full of people and the Internet Detective Squad would still scream "it's a fake!!!"

Posted by: Hollowpoint at April 29, 2011 03:33 PM (SY2Kh)

Yeah, because what they're talking about is doubt that he was actually born or who his parents are....

Posted by: Pimpbot 5000 at April 29, 2011 11:39 AM (c45xH)

85 clamps mouth shut, resists urge to run with it, pulls fingers back from keyboard by a supreme act of will, sweat beading on his brow...

Posted by: Empire of Jeff


EoJ is demonstrating restraint? Who had 4/29 picked for the end of the World?

Posted by: Blue Hen at April 29, 2011 11:39 AM (326rv)


Obama is qualified to be a barrista janitor on night duty at a Detroit Starbucks. Nothing more. His rise is a testament to the power of the media. It is the media that is the true enemy of the American people.

Posted by: LGoPs at April 29, 2011 03:28 PM (+Uv5V)


Bleach and ammonia mixed together makes a GREAT bathroom cleaner!





Why are all you idiots lying on the floor?

Posted by: JugEars McDouchebag, Janitor of Doom at April 29, 2011 11:39 AM (7YzRS)

87 Ace, read my email when you can.  And reply.

Posted by: Truman North at April 29, 2011 11:39 AM (8ay4x)



 Is that a nice way of saying he is being gang raped by the presidency, because being gang raped is all he knows how to do?"

I hereby announce my candidacy for president.

clamps mouth shut, resists urge to run with it, pulls fingers back from keyboard by a supreme act of will, sweat beading on his brow...

Posted by: Empire of Jeff at April 29, 2011 03:37 PM (W7Ddq)



Snot is running down his nose ...greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes

Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 11:40 AM (+qHxi)


The President looks like a man who is ridden by events

If by "events" you mean a big, fat, bitchy, sweaty woman....yeah...I agree

Posted by: beedubya at April 29, 2011 11:40 AM (AnTyA)

90 Simpler answer, Barry aint that bright.

Posted by: occam's razor at April 29, 2011 11:42 AM (evdj2)

Am I the only one seeing a correlation between Trump's attacks and the increase in "Obama is a failure" stories?

Okay, yeah, probably, because I'm pulling it outta my ass.

But still, I think Trump is emboldening others to speak out unfavorably of President Genius.

Posted by: Royal Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 11:42 AM (uFokq)

92 I'd venture to say Mr Meade missed a couple of points. First, the spoiled prig only wants to give the impression of a compromise to the great unwashed. Second, compromises are few. The spendulous? last time I checked they locked all republicans out. Health care? ditto. His greatness only has to deal with players. post Nov 2010 the dems were locked out on the budget. He alienates anyone he doesn't "have to" deal with at that moment. And he pretty much craps on anyone he is dealing with that he doesn't like in press conferences while he's negotiating. Doesn't even  have the common courtesy to give a reach around.Mad political skillz, like when he just wheeled out his soak the rich budget solution 6 months after the electorate voted that shit hard down. Seriously  , this guy will someday be viewed as a very poor politician who got elected due primarily to gale force tailwinds that existed when he ran.

Posted by: mac at April 29, 2011 11:42 AM (0J18b)


Hollow and ace:

Forgive me, but I think your responses to Fa Cube Itches are a little over-the-top.  I don't necessarily agree with FCI that the birth certificate is clearly a fake, but that speculation is going to go on no matter what.  That's another thing to blame on Obama, because he took so long to release it.  The important thing is that the conspiracy theorizing can now take a backseat instead of being front and center like the media has insisted on making it. 

Posted by: MWR at April 29, 2011 11:43 AM (4df7R)

94 [Insanely tasteless Deliverance reference deleted]

Posted by: Events at April 29, 2011 11:43 AM (RD7QR)

95 82

I just saw where President Petey is heading to Cape Canaveral for the space shuttle launch a photo op with Gabby Giffords.

Think he would have actually gone to Alabama if it weren't right next to Florida???

Posted by: beedubya at April 29, 2011 03:38 PM (AnTyA)

They canceled the launch due to weather. So, back to DC JEF!

Posted by: The Robot Devil at April 29, 2011 11:44 AM (LdYLm)

96 Deliverance reference

I hear some far off, distant squealing.  Like a pig.

Posted by: CUS at April 29, 2011 11:45 AM (wOGfT)


Squeal like a pig, boy....

Tastless? Yes, Inappropriate? No.

Posted by: The Presidency at April 29, 2011 11:46 AM (OlN4e)

98 96 Deliverance reference

I hear some far off, distant squealing.  Like a pig.

Posted by: CUS at April 29, 2011 03:45 PM (wOGfT)

You sure have a purty mouth!

Posted by: Redneck #1 at April 29, 2011 11:46 AM (LdYLm)

99 But still, I think Trump is emboldening others to speak out unfavorably of President Genius.

Posted by: Royal Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 03:42 PM (uFokq)

Agreed!  The country needed someone who isn't from the political sphere to come out swinging and take on the president as just another politican, not a Sainted Savior.  That's why I'm grateful to Trump for stoking the fires, though I have absolutely no intention of voting for him in the primaries (should he make it that far). 

Posted by: MWR at April 29, 2011 11:47 AM (4df7R)

100 I see Jeff is one thin, and very crunchy, fig from meltdown. "Villains!" I shrieked, "dissemble no more! I admit the deed! Tear up the planks! Here, Here! - it is the crunching of his hideous FIG!"

Posted by: Empire of Jeff at April 29, 2011 11:47 AM (W7Ddq)

101 And I'll always despise Perot for dragging Stockdale into the cesspool of national politics.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 29, 2011 03:30 PM (7YzRS)

I despise Perot for giving us 8 years of Billy Boy. Evil, little, grinning troll.

Posted by: The Robot Devil at April 29, 2011 11:47 AM (LdYLm)


Global Warming interferes with shuttle launches, now.

This is what we get for not heeding the warnings from concerned scientists...

Posted by: Royal Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 11:47 AM (uFokq)

103 Yeah, because what they're talking about is doubt that he was actually born or who his parents are....

 Actually, they are. Go read the HA thread- when the Birther idiots aren't trying to claim the BC is fake, they're speculating that Obama was actually adopted. For quite some time they've also been pushing the "Barack Obama Sr. isn't his real father" line.

We've tolerated the retarded conspiracy theories from the Birthers for long enough. He finally released his "long form" BC just as they've been begging him to do for the last two years.  Consider the matter settled and start focusing on the non-imaginary reasons that Obama should be defeated.



Posted by: Hollowpoint at April 29, 2011 11:48 AM (SY2Kh)

104 But still, I think Trump is emboldening others to speak out unfavorably of President Genius.

Posted by: Royal Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 03:42 PM (uFokq)

You might be on to something here.

Posted by: CUS at April 29, 2011 11:49 AM (wOGfT)

105 102

Global Warming interferes with shuttle launches, now.

This is what we get for not heeding the warnings from concerned scientists...

Posted by: Royal Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 03:47 PM (uFokq)

"NASA has called off today's launch of space shuttle Endeavour because of a heater failure." Sorry, my bad...

Posted by: The Robot Devil at April 29, 2011 11:49 AM (LdYLm)


Dude, U K L Lee is the registrar on the long form.

This story never dies.

Posted by: wtfci at April 29, 2011 11:50 AM (qITbz)

What's next, canceled major league baseball games?

This 'weather' thing is becoming a problem, whether or not you want to believe it.

Let's forget politics and work together to stop the weather menace.

Posted by: Royal Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 11:50 AM (uFokq)

108 "The President is a consensus-seeker whose decision making style rewards polarization and a conciliator who loses friends without winning over enemies. The PresidentÂ’s problem is not, I think, that he seeks compromise." Total bullshit. The guy has never tried to compromise. He has been unable to implement some of his bullshit, that is about all. He has never compromised shit, he has just failed at it.

Posted by: Mr. Pink at April 29, 2011 11:50 AM (VidfH)


--We've tolerated the retarded conspiracy theories from the Birthers for long enough.

Posted by: Hollowpoint at April 29, 2011 03:48 PM (SY2Kh)

Is that the royal "We"?  It sure sounds like it.

The commoners mess everything up, don't they?

Posted by: Henry Harold Humphries - you can call me 'H' at April 29, 2011 11:50 AM (/CMAw)

110 >>>Forgive me, but I think your responses to Fa Cube Itches are a little over-the-top. I don't necessarily agree with FCI that the birth certificate is clearly a fake.... But it might be? Okay, fine. Your theories are all unfalsifiable, and ergo not reasonable. But if you want to keep pushing an emotion-based, faith-based unreasoning theory on people who pride themselves on their ability to reason, you may do so, but you can expect the same annoyed tone. >>> but that speculation is going to go on no matter what. Does it have to happen in every thread? You lost. Deal with it. Until Obama produced it, I could still call you reasonable, since what you were requesting -- or what you were pretending to be requesting -- was itself reasonable. You wanted the long form. That's reasonable; Obama's refusal to do so was unreasonable. But now he has produced it. To persist in this fantasy and begin demanding MORE documentation and etc. changes the unreasonable party from him to you. You can be unreasonable all you like, but it's never attractive. >>> That's another thing to blame on Obama, because he took so long to release it. I have blamed him for that. See the Andrew McCarthy article I linked in the "Just Noting" thread. That is a reasonable position. Continuing to insist against all evidence and reason that everything is fucking fake is NOT a reasonable position. If you want to be reasonable, argue the reasonable things, and push the Andrew McCarthy line. >>>The important thing is that the conspiracy theorizing can now take a backseat instead of being front and center like the media has insisted on making it. Well it' wasn't just the media. People continue pushing this to the front and center -- and that is what is exasperating. This isn't about Obama's birth certificate; it's about the fact that some people feel resentful and insulted that their ideas were not taken seriously and were dismissed, and they want proof they were right, for personal vindication. But that is not going to happen. The theory was always dopey and wishcasting/fantasy-based and now it's proven to be so. How much longer are we supposed to discuss this lunacy to the exclusion of non-irrational matters? And how much longer shall we entertain the paranoia of 20% at the expense of the what 100% of us agree upon?

Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 11:51 AM (nj1bB)


I don't think any of them are saying he wasn't born in HI, just that the birth certificate that was presented is fabricated.

Posted by: Fa Cube Itches at April 29, 2011 03:28 PM (xy9wk)

There really is something shady about the BC...but anyone who points that out will catch crap.

Ace...NRO really didn't put it to rest. They put their dismissal out just a few hours after it was made available. Dennniger rebutted them pretty well.

Fa Cube Itches...?? God, I'm a fucking idiot. I just sounded that out in my head for the first time.

That's sofa king wee Todd did.

Posted by: beedubya at April 29, 2011 11:52 AM (AnTyA)

112 Global Warming is now proven to be linked to Mrs. Obama's arse, film at eleven.

Posted by: Sparky at April 29, 2011 11:52 AM (k2kXW)

113 106

Dude, U K L Lee is the registrar on the long form.

This story never dies.

Posted by: wtfci at April 29, 2011 03:50 PM (qITbz)

And the Doctor's name was Doo J. Shehbag.

Posted by: The Robot Devil at April 29, 2011 11:52 AM (LdYLm)

114 Narcissistic Personality Disorder, check. Oppositional-Defiance Disorder, check. Plus:

Passive-Aggressive (Negativistic) Personality:
People with a passive-aggressive personality behave in ways that appear inept or passive. However, these behaviors are actually ways to avoid responsibility or to control or punish others. People with a passive-aggressive personality often procrastinate, perform tasks inefficiently, or claim an implausible disability. Frequently, they agree to perform tasks they do not want to perform and then subtly undermine completion of the tasks. Such behavior usually enables them to deny or conceal hostility or disagreements.

Posted by: The King Is Naked at April 29, 2011 11:52 AM (xs5wK)

115 Here! - it is the crunching of his hideous FIG! In the Imperial Legions of Jeff, FIG is the inheritance of every centurion! Plus, rape and pillage every night, after mess and bivouac.

Posted by: George Orwell at April 29, 2011 11:52 AM (ZkHkm)

116 Global Warming interferes with shuttle launches, now.

This is what we get for not heeding the warnings from concerned scientists...

Posted by: Royal Soothsayer at April 29, 2011 03:47 PM (uFokq)

No.  NASA didn't have the required number of muslim observers - who would be given official-sounding titles ... to help muslims feel better about themselves).

Posted by: Henry Harold Humphries - you can call me 'H' at April 29, 2011 11:52 AM (/CMAw)

117 I will save the children, but not the liberal children

Posted by: preference cascade at April 29, 2011 11:52 AM (evdj2)

118 Total bullshit. The guy has never tried to compromise. He has been unable to implement some of his bullshit, that is about all. He has never compromised shit, he has just failed at it.

Posted by: Mr. Pink at April 29, 2011 03:50 PM (VidfH)

Disagree. He never tried to implement anything. He just signed shit Pelosi and Reid came up with, or that nasty bitch who is his chief advisor. The man is incapable of an independent thought, much less implementing any plans.

Posted by: maddogg at April 29, 2011 11:53 AM (OlN4e)

119 If it hasn't been mentioned before, here's a good clip from Laura Ingraham's radio show.  Very much worth a listen.

Black Chamber of Commerce President Blasts "Marxist" "Brownshirt" Obama. 

He says he admits to voting for him because he was black.  He says he'll regret it to his dying day and that Obama is ruining this country.  He says he thinks Obama will be lucky to get 35% of the black vote in '12.  I don't know about that, but it sure sounds good to hear another African American who sees the truth.

Posted by: Lady in Black at April 29, 2011 11:53 AM (usvhr)

120 Just to be clear...neither FCI nor I said the BC was fake...but there is evidence that there was some sort of manipulation of it.

Posted by: beedubya at April 29, 2011 11:53 AM (AnTyA)


I think that things are starting to turn, ever so slightly, against The JEF. He is starting to get on the windward side now.

It's only anecdotal, but on many online articles about The JEF you can see the comments begin to be much more negative and any Obama supporters are pounced upon and thrashed. Again, it may not mean a thing, but here in my dark conservative lair, I chortle...

Posted by: Sgt. Fury at April 29, 2011 11:55 AM (u2k3g)

I despise Perot for giving us 8 years of Billy Boy. Evil, little, grinning troll.

Yeah, that too. Although the Booboisie bears a lot of culpability for being gullible.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 29, 2011 11:55 AM (7YzRS)

I heard Laura Ingraham this morning. Good stuff.

She was extra bitchy today. Just saying.

Posted by: Soothsayerwing Plover at April 29, 2011 11:55 AM (uFokq)

124 Looks like burferism and the BC is fixing to become 2011's answer to 2010's O'Donnell - Castle purity war. What side is purity on in this spat?

Posted by: Preznint Splutnik, getting jostled by the stools at April 29, 2011 11:55 AM (HmCnI)

125 >>>Just to be clear...neither FCI nor I said the BC was fake...but there is evidence that there was some sort of manipulation of it. Yes, you hint about it because you have no proof, only suspicions, and it feels safer to "just ask quesitons." How about dropping this carnival sideshow until you have firm evidence and proof instead of endlessly speculating and wishcasting about a fantasy word of Maybes and Might Bes?

Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 11:56 AM (nj1bB)

126 The ultimate thread battle royale would feature Christine O'Donnell, Sarah Palin, birth certificates, RINO hunters, purity czars, longbows, and Ewoks vs. Smurfs. I must be forgetting something, though.

Posted by: George Orwell at April 29, 2011 11:56 AM (ZkHkm)

127 I repeat: There are ten solid reasons we ALL agree on that Obama should be turned out of office as soon as possible. What is the personal compulsion you have to continue to ignore those ten reasons in favor of the one reason that a great many of your political allies find preposterous and insultingly stupid?

Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 11:57 AM (nj1bB)

128 Quit giving Presadent Obama a hard time. Can you do any better at fixing that IDIOT BUSH's problems???????

Posted by: Mary Clogginstein from Brattleboro, VT at April 29, 2011 11:57 AM (48wze)

I thought Obama was too smart to fail.

Posted by: sTevo at April 29, 2011 11:57 AM (VMcEw)

130 Posted by: Preznint Splutnik, getting jostled by the stools at April 29, 2011 03:55 PM (HmCnI)

You know how to stop from falling between two stools?  Turn them over.

Posted by: CUS at April 29, 2011 11:58 AM (wOGfT)

131 With my trusty longbow, I side with the noble Ewoks, thou wench O'Donnell!

Posted by: Sarah Palin, Smurf Hunter at April 29, 2011 11:58 AM (RD7QR)

I must be forgetting something, though.

Pollock vs. Cod

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 29, 2011 11:59 AM (7YzRS)

133 >>>I think that things are starting to turn, ever so slightly, against The JEF. He is starting to get on the windward side now. I just discussed this... certainly the CW has turned in that direction. But that just sets him up for the "Obama is BACK!" storyline in a month. Whether events have well and truly turned we don't know yet. It is possible there will be a strong-ish recovery in the next 18 months. Unlikely, but not so unlikely it can be discounted.

Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 11:59 AM (nj1bB)

134 Note to Jeff. the proverbial crunchy fig has made an appearance at #128.

Posted by: maddogg at April 29, 2011 11:59 AM (OlN4e)

135 129
I thought Obama was too smart to fail.

Posted by: sTevo at April 29, 2011 03:57 PM (VMcEw)

Of course he is, I've seen his transcripts they are stellar! Stellar!

Posted by: Wolf Biltzme at April 29, 2011 12:01 PM (LdYLm)

136 Barky is getting in some speechifying:

The president will be addressing the 2011 graduating class of Miami Dade Community College's North Campus on April 29 at the James L. Knight Center in downtown Miami.

"We are extremely pleased to have President Obama address our graduates as he has made college access and completion a central focus of his administration," MDC’s president Dr. Eduardo J. Padrón said.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 29, 2011 12:01 PM (UOM48)

137 >>>I think that things are starting to turn, ever so slightly, against The JEF. He is starting to get on the windward side now.

I just discussed this... certainly the CW has turned in that direction. But that just sets him up for the "Obama is BACK!" storyline in a month.

Whether events have well and truly turned we don't know yet. It is possible there will be a strong-ish recovery in the next 18 months. Unlikely, but not so unlikely it can be discounted.

Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 03:59 PM (nj1bB)


I noticed in my local paper that the lefties are hardly showing up to fight in the comments section. They got nothin left.

Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 12:03 PM (+qHxi)


HACKENSACK — Two men are accused in New Jersey of trying to sell $1.2 billion in counterfeit U.S. Treasury Certificates.

Authorities arrested Bruce Park and Kenneth Kang at a hotel in Bergen County today. They're each held on $200,000 bail and are scheduled to be arraigned on Tuesday.

Kang is a South Korean national.

The Record newspaper reports they're charged with money laundering, financial facilitation in the first degree, theft by deception, conspiracy and forgery.

It's not known if the men have retained lawyers.

Obama's filling up his war chest!

Posted by: The Robot Devil at April 29, 2011 12:03 PM (LdYLm)


--We've tolerated the retarded conspiracy theories from the Birthers for long enough.

Posted by: Hollowpoint at April 29, 2011 03:48 PM (SY2Kh)

Is that the royal "We"?  It sure sounds like it.

The commoners mess everything up, don't they?

Until someone who still purports to believe in various theories or honestly claims to not be sure simply be interested, actually tells me how this becomes a political WIN for our side, I am going to treat anyone who pursues this from a political standpoint as an idiot; And if you are honestly pursuing it out of intellectual curiosity, the topic is boring, potentially politically harmful, and if you are honestly curious AND support conservative ideology, you can do the movement a better service by waiting till he is out of office to indulge simple curiosities.

Posted by: MikeTheMoose at April 29, 2011 12:03 PM (0q2P7)


If it hasn't been mentioned before, here's a good clip from Laura Ingraham's radio show


Laura Ingrahm needs to be brought up on charges of High Crimes against the Collective Aural Pallette for championing the Bare Naked Ladies!

Posted by: garrett at April 29, 2011 12:03 PM (jyGn7)

141 I mean I will go pretty far, I think Obama sucks cock. I will say so loudly and in front of other people. I just would feel like too much of a retard if I said "I do not believe Obama was born in America, that BC was a forgery!", so I just stick with Obama sucking cock.

Posted by: Mr. Pink at April 29, 2011 12:04 PM (VidfH)


Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 03:56 PM (nj1bB)

I really didn't intend to hijack the thread. When the BC was released, I accepted it..until I was directed to market-ticker and other places by someone who didn't think I should be so quick to accept it.

Anyway, here's Denninger's repsonse to the NRO piece. And there are a lot of other people out there who seem to know a lot about computer graphics who are saying it has been messed with.

What's wrong with pointing that out?


Posted by: beedubya at April 29, 2011 12:04 PM (AnTyA)

143 Just what we need. More kids brainwashed in the cesspit of Academia. The school system has been dumbed down for a reason. To make the brainwashing easy and effective. Critical thinking need not apply.

Posted by: maddogg at April 29, 2011 12:04 PM (OlN4e)


Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 03:59 PM (nj1bB)

Agreed that having the MFM on his side makes some type of "Phoenix Rise from the Ashes" story line very possible.

I just believe that there are cracks now and it will be a hell of a lot harder for him to win re-election than many claim. He can be got.

Posted by: Sgt. Fury at April 29, 2011 12:06 PM (u2k3g)


How many degrees of separation between Deliverance and Kevin Bacon?

Posted by: Goober at April 29, 2011 12:07 PM (Q5+Og)

146 until I was directed to....

It might be fake. At this point I cannot see how that even might be relevant. So barring *inarguable* proof that it is fake I don't see why I should care.

Posted by: MikeTheMoose at April 29, 2011 12:07 PM (0q2P7)


I don't shave my pits or legs. It helps keep more warm so I use less energy on those cold winter nights.

...don't even ask about my nether regions. You dont wanna know. Trust me

Posted by: Mary Birkenstockenestein form Brattleboro, VT at April 29, 2011 12:07 PM (AnTyA)

148 49
Ace, by the way, I read your piece "Just Noting' ...
Posted by: The Great and Secret Show at April 29, 2011 03:20 PM (hyDaS)

... and, and ... bwahahaha! C'mon, you know what part I read ...

Posted by: Andrew Breitbart, connoisseur of comments at April 29, 2011 12:08 PM (HmCnI)


Pollock vs. Cod

I should have been a pair of ragged claws Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.

I should have been a pair of ragged claws Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.

I should have been a pair of ragged claws Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.

'...I should have been a bottom feeder

scuddling along the floor of silent seas'



Posted by: The Lovesong of J. Editor Prufrock at April 29, 2011 12:08 PM (jyGn7)


How about dropping this carnival sideshow

Hmmm..that sounds vaguely familiar

Posted by: Mary Birkenstockenestein form Brattleboro, VT at April 29, 2011 12:09 PM (AnTyA)



Sorry for the format fail...those Cut+pastes didn't show up in the text box...too bad.

Posted by: garrett at April 29, 2011 12:09 PM (jyGn7)


"HACKENSACK — Two men are accused in New Jersey of trying to sell $1.2 billion in counterfeit U.S. Treasury Certificates.

Authorities arrested Bruce Park and Kenneth Kang at a hotel in Bergen County today. They're each held on $200,000 bail and are scheduled to be arraigned on Tuesday."


You know, if I were in the market for $1.2 billion in U.S. Treasuries I would certainly consider shopping for them in NJ first. Hopefully these guys weren't from China.

Posted by: Goober at April 29, 2011 12:10 PM (Q5+Og)

153 What's wrong with pointing it out is that it is about unreasonable personal obsession and not the actual mission. What's wrong with it is that it is the same bullshit we heard about the COLB. It's like yesterday never happened with you. You heard all this same "It's just physics" confident prouncement about the COLB's forgery and it was all disproven, and yet here we are again, ready to take the next buffoon's self-declared expertise at face value. What's wrong with it is that only people who already believed this nonsense seem to have these "scientific opinions." Nate Goulding at NRO says it's all bullshit and he's THEIR tech-guy/image guy. But let's believe the kind of guys who are predisposed to believing anything at all. And it's wrong because of this: >>>Other curiosities include the fact that the time of birth is exactly the same on the (now-discredited - or is it?) Kenyan birth certificate that has been floating around the Internet, How much of a fool do you have to be to think that "Kenyan Birth Certificate" is real. How about doing a "Layering" analysis and font comparisan analysis on that idiotic fool-bait of a hoax? Oh, but that's real. That's real. We KNOW that. "Experts" say so.

Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 12:11 PM (nj1bB)


Posted by: ace's inferred birther 2 x 4 at April 29, 2011 12:14 PM (jyGn7)

155 >>What is the personal compulsion you have to continue to ignore those ten reasons in favor of the one reason that a great many of your political allies find preposterous and insultingly stupid?
Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 03:57 PM (nj1bB)

Ace I think that his whole life story is so riddled with obvious fabrications that people logically just revert to the beginning through both force of habit and availability of rumor and innuendo.

The reluctance of the MBM to ask obvious questions about any of it combined with the disgust with AA and the reflexive and prepaid spending on the race card made many dig in their heels.

But with the back to back pressers the other day The Won shrank before many people's eyes and questions on the entirety of what is a target rich environment is now in play.

It's not an efficient use of time to focus on birth/eligibility now that The Donald has cut him down to size, and I think that the worm has turned.     

Posted by: ontherocks at April 29, 2011 12:14 PM (HBqDo)

156 @121  I am noticing the same thing-even at places like Politico.

Dan Riehl's trolls seem to be getting more desperate, but maybe that's because they hang out with Dan too much.  There are only so many times one can usefully fisk a small fry like Conor Friedersdorf, after all.

Posted by: A Balrog of Morgoth at April 29, 2011 12:15 PM (oDMwn)



It seems that it has become stylish for every woman in the entertainment industry to have their own leetle bastard in tow. Like a handbag or other accessory.

Posted by: maddogg at April 29, 2011 12:15 PM (OlN4e)


I see Jeff is one thin, and very crunchy, fig from meltdown.

"Villains!" I shrieked, "dissemble no more! I admit the deed! Tear up the planks! Here, Here! - it is the crunching of his hideous FIG!"


But where's the grotto?  Are there apes?



Posted by: Barry Sotero, Poet Laureate at April 29, 2011 12:15 PM (ihSHD)

159 I mean I will go pretty far, I think Obama sucks cock. I will say so loudly and in front of other people. I just would feel like too much of a retard if I said "I do not believe Obama was born in America, that BC was a forgery!", so I just stick with Obama sucking cock. You can never go wrong by sticking to the classics.

Posted by: Empire of Jeff at April 29, 2011 12:16 PM (W7Ddq)

160 Oh, you want to know why the "time of birth" is exactly the same as on the Kenyan birth certificate hoax? BECAUSE THAT WAS THE TIME OF BIRTH LISTED ON THE ORIGINAL SHORT-FORM COLB WHICH HAS BEEN ON PUBLIC DISPLAY FOR ALMOST THREE YEARS. So let me ask you this: Who is more credible-- me, who thinks the hoax Kenyan birth certificate simply copied the time of birth from the COLB, or this latest document verification expert (the latest in a long string) who thinks the fact that the hoax Kenyan document and the one from Hawaii suggests, somehow, that the Kenyan hoax is real? Yes, it's either real, and the Hawaiian forms (on view before the Kenyan hoax was) were simply copied on this detail, OR, it's some weird coindidence that suggests chicanery. How about that guy is a fucking idiot and unable to reason just for suggesting that the same time of birth means something other than "The kenyan hoax just copied the time of birth from the COLB"?

Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 12:17 PM (nj1bB)


Posted by: The Lovesong of J. Editor Prufrock at April 29, 2011 04:08 PM (jyGn7) 


OK, now that is funneh!  (and I never liked T.S. Eliott)

Posted by: Barry Sotero, Poet Laureate at April 29, 2011 12:17 PM (ihSHD)

162 stupid AA sock!

Posted by: runningrn at April 29, 2011 12:18 PM (ihSHD)


At last more and more of the 52% are realising they elected an empty suit.  Obama is an uber slacker who just wanted the perks of being President.  He thought by saying nice things and bowing, his presidency could be another vacation from history.  Alas his weakness has emboldened enemies to our national interests while harming our traditional allies.

Posted by: Anna Puma at April 29, 2011 12:18 PM (gD28Y)

164 I just would feel like too much of a retard if I said "I do not believe Obama was born in America, that BC was a forgery!", so I just stick with Obama sucking cock. He didn't actually suck cock; Bill Ayers did it for him. Affirmative action, and all that.

Posted by: George Orwell at April 29, 2011 12:18 PM (ZkHkm)

165 He didn't actually suck cock; Bill Ayers did it for him.

No way!  Barry was a dancing boy for wealthy Pakis.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at April 29, 2011 12:20 PM (FkKjr)


@38: "Has anyone ever dozed off during a debate?"

Zzzzzz...huh? Wha?  Why am I here?

Posted by: James Stockdale at April 29, 2011 12:20 PM (xy9wk)


IÂ’ve not been able to be here much today.  I hope someone hasnÂ’t commented on this yet.

Head of the Black Chamber of Commerce has moderated his opinion of Barry ever so slightly.

Posted by: Hussein the Plumber at April 29, 2011 12:21 PM (jx2j9)


Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 04:11 PM (nj1bB)

I have never, ever, ever questioned the COLB or believed for a second that the Kenyan BC was anything more than a joke.

Not to be a dick, but I am guessing that you didn't read my link. But Denninger responded to Nathan Goulding,  THEIR expert at NRO, with stuff that he and others had discovered,- other than the layering. In the video, he explicity states that it was chromatic aberrations, or lack of in the WH web site version of the BC, that made him - and others- suspicious.

It was reported that the BC is a scanned version of the actual paper original from the books in storage. If it were scanned, it should have chromatic aberrations around the edges of the characters. it doesn't.

No one has adressed this.

Posted by: beedubya at April 29, 2011 12:22 PM (AnTyA)

169 Matt Damon!

Posted by: Matt Damon at April 29, 2011 12:22 PM (LdYLm)

170 Meh, not even the Kenyans are claiming Obama anymore. That ship has sailed. They say he's our problem.

Posted by: robtr at April 29, 2011 12:22 PM (MtwBb)


In this funny piece I noted that Obama is doing victory laps over his ability to successfully produce a common form of I.D.

Hell, he probably wakes up every morning as says something like,

"I'm still president!  The stupid fucks haven't caught me yet!"

Posted by: Hussein the Plumber at April 29, 2011 12:23 PM (jx2j9)

172 Sorry if it's been mentioned already, but Teh One shows at NASA for his Gabby Giffords photo op and the shuttle launch gets scrubbed.  Obama NASA FAIL!  Looks like Teh One just can't get it up on his presence alone.

Posted by: Havedash at April 29, 2011 12:23 PM (sFD5n)


@51: "He's getting raw scores of 36 on tests that the average person scores a 73 on."

Leave my bowling scores out of this.  And it was a 37, you racist motherfucker.

Posted by: Prezidizzle Obizzle at April 29, 2011 12:23 PM (xy9wk)


The real power of BC thing is the affect it had on my wife (and maybe others like her), who isn't really political. She votes R and has conservative views but she isn't active, nor would she spend time on a site like this.

For instance, I voted for McCain as a vote against The JFE. She voted for McCain, because she likes McCain. See?

 Anyway, when the BC was released, she said; "If that's all there is, why'd he spend so much money and time to keep it hidden?" "That seems odd and it doesn't make any sense".  So, she never mentioned the BC before and we never discussed it, BUT now she wonders what the hell.

Posted by: Sgt. Fury at April 29, 2011 12:23 PM (u2k3g)

175 Zzzzzz...huh? Wha?  Why am I here?

Go back to sleep Admiral. They weren't saying anything important anyway, and you deserve your rest.

Posted by: MikeTheMoose at April 29, 2011 12:24 PM (0q2P7)


OK, now that is funneh! 


Rule 1, Sec. II - part b : Nothing is funny without Ace's express permission.

Posted by: Check the AoSHQ Rule Book at April 29, 2011 12:24 PM (jyGn7)


"...on the right it means that despite his compromises and yielding of significant ground..."

Compromises?  you have got to be shittin'



Posted by: John B. at April 29, 2011 12:25 PM (Ag5b5)

178 171 Meh, not even the Kenyans are claiming Obama anymore. That ship has sailed. They say he's our problem.

Posted by: robtr at April 29, 2011 04:22 PM (MtwBb)

We'll claim him, he is one of our kind!

Posted by: Penisaurus at April 29, 2011 12:25 PM (LdYLm)

179 No matter where zer0 was born, he is a credit to those who spend their lives in pursuit of a position rather than a job. He pretty much maxed it out, now we get to pay for our stupidity.

Posted by: maddogg at April 29, 2011 12:25 PM (OlN4e)

180 173 Sorry if it's been mentioned already, but Teh One shows at NASA for his Gabby Giffords photo op and the shuttle launch gets scrubbed.  Obama NASA FAIL!  Looks like Teh One just can't get it up on his presence alone.

He is giving the commencement address at Miami Dade Community College, North Campus tonight.

I got nuthin' else.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 29, 2011 12:25 PM (UOM48)

181 Who is more credible-- me, who thinks the hoax Kenyan birth certificate simply copied the time of birth from the COLB, or this latest document verification expert (the latest in a long string) who thinks the fact that the hoax Kenyan document and the one from Hawaii suggests, somehow, that the Kenyan hoax is real? Yeah, but the other guy emailed it to me. You're just some fucking schmoe with a blog. EMAIL, ace. And I didn't even give him my email address. How do you explain that? Documented proof. In PDF format. Can you even spell PDF? Dude, you're gonna be SO embarrassed when this shit hits the news.

Posted by: Empire of Jeff at April 29, 2011 12:25 PM (W7Ddq)

182 Go back to sleep Admiral. They weren't saying anything important anyway, and you deserve your rest.

Oh, thank you.  It's very tiring being dead.

Posted by: James Stockdale at April 29, 2011 12:25 PM (FkKjr)


Head of the Black Chamber of Commerce has moderated his opinion of Barry ever so slightly.

Posted by: Hussein the Plumber at April 29, 2011 04:21 PM (jx2j9)

That's definitely gonna leave a mark.

Posted by: ontherocks at April 29, 2011 12:26 PM (HBqDo)


These intellectuals and independents have been getting exactly these results for forty years or more. It has always been about utopian good intentions that nearly always run afoul of the Law of Unintended Consequences because their stupid hubris keeps them from admitting to reality.

This assclown is now and always has been an empty suit. Anyone who spent just the slightest bit of time to really look at him would have realized he is incompetent for an office like president of anything.

So... the libtards pumped him full of sunshine and high hopes and assigned to him magical powers to bring Cargo and Utopia without any costs except to hated 'rich people'. Then he and Congress put this utopian scheme into practice in the real world and lo and behold! It's a disaster. An entirely predictable disaster. A prediction made by a myriad of economists and pundits before this clown even took office.

Now the disappointed intellectuals and airheaded utopians are looking for the REAL culprit to blame this on because it can't possibly be the fault of Teh Obamasiah. It MUST be that his victory was stolen by evil wingers not reality because we all know that if you wish hard enough for something it will come true.

G*d what a bunch of morons.

Posted by: chuck in st paul at April 29, 2011 12:26 PM (EhYdw)

185 Isn't that where the McDonald's employee from the Town Hall goes to school?

Posted by: garrett at April 29, 2011 12:26 PM (jyGn7)

186 EoJ, yeah I like to keep it old school like that. Also it is much quicker to type "Obama sucks cock" than it is to type some massive conspiracy that he was born in Kenya and covered it up for 50 years. I mean to do that would involve time travel back to 1961, so you could tell the people who would be involved that he was going to be President, and not just some spoiled rich hippie chicks bastard baby.

Posted by: Mr. Pink at April 29, 2011 12:27 PM (VidfH)

187 re 186 -  Miami Dade Community College

Posted by: garrett at April 29, 2011 12:27 PM (jyGn7)

188 No one has adressed this.

For the sake of arguement I am going to concede your point.


To borrow from Bill Whittle.
Now what?

We can't prove it in court, and, we are unlikely to ever get the standing to even try.

Now what?
We can't take it to the American people who think the issue is settled without looking like A-Holes.


Posted by: MikeTheMoose at April 29, 2011 12:27 PM (0q2P7)

189 150
'...I should have been a bottom feeder
scuttling along the floor of silent seas'

Posted by: The Lovesong of J. Editor Prufrock at April 29, 2011 04:08 PM (jyGn7)

Boy, those ads for Deadliest Catch are getting more hoity-toity as each new season rolls around, aren't they? What's next, the GEICO caveman?

Posted by: Deadliest Catch, progenitor in a long line of "Deadliest" docudramas yet to come at April 29, 2011 12:28 PM (Wqfrr)

190 I think I can stop wishing for zerO's failure, now. Thank you God.

Posted by: maddogg at April 29, 2011 12:28 PM (OlN4e)

191 O/T: Is it just me, or did this Alan Wilson character that was just on Fox News talk about Boeing building planes in the Peugeot sound area?

Posted by: Anachronda at April 29, 2011 12:29 PM (6fER6)


Next week, Oprah.

Next Month, 'Deadliest Snatch'.

Posted by: Michelle Obama's Landing Strip at April 29, 2011 12:29 PM (jyGn7)

193 189 No one has adressed this.

For the sake of arguement I am going to concede your point.


To borrow from Bill Whittle.
Now what?

We can't prove it in court, and, we are unlikely to ever get the standing to even try.

Now what?
We can't take it to the American people who think the issue is settled without looking like A-Holes.


Posted by: MikeTheMoose at April 29, 2011 04:27 PM (0q2P7)

Head down to the titty bar and pound down some brewskis?

Posted by: The Robot Devil at April 29, 2011 12:30 PM (LdYLm)

194 The Expert Denninger's theory: It is a weird coincidence that the "Kenyan Birth Certificate" has the same 7:24 time of birth as the long form just issued. This suggests the Kenyan Birth Certificate may be real. My theory: IT is not a coincidence, weird or otherwise, that the "Kenyan Birth Certificate" has the same 7:24 time of birth as the long form. Because that 7:24 was also listed on the COLB that was publicly viewable for more than a year before the Kenyan hoax came out -- suggesting, simply, the hoax document had copied this datum from the COLB. Now, who's theory is better? And if Denninger believes that crackpot theory I just recapitulated -- and doesn't know the 7:24 time of birth has been on the COLB (and, I'd guess, in the Hawaiian newspaper annoucements too) -- why should I believe his asserted expert opinion on technical matters about Photoshop? Is he just an idiot in all other matters, but a genius about Photoshop? Or is he a gullible idiot in most ways?

Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 12:30 PM (nj1bB)


I'm more excited by the fact that there are Blacks claiming to have voted for Obama who are slamming him. That and the polling this week are the kind of signs that give the heroes jackals in the Dem party and the media hope to take him down.

Add to that the WH punishing a reporter from SF no less, and you have the making of shark week.

Posted by: Blue Hen at April 29, 2011 12:30 PM (326rv)

196 fall between two stools Fig. to come somewhere between two possibilities and so fail to meet the requirements of either. The material is not suitable for an academic book or for a popular one. It falls between two stools. He tries to be both teacher and friend, but falls between two stools.   the free dictionary . com

Posted by: Mama AJ at April 29, 2011 12:32 PM (XdlcF)

197 beedubya, Since he leaps to the conclusion that at 7:24 time of birth is a strange coincidence suggesting the Kenyan hoax is real, rather than simply copied from the COLB, I am not given over to treating his other brilliant insights with much seriousness. If I catch someone being stupid once I'm going to go ahead and assume that person is stupid in a variety of contexts. As I keep saying: Credibility counts.

Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 12:33 PM (nj1bB)


I'm more excited by the fact that there are Blacks claiming to have voted for Obama who are slamming him. That and the polling this week are the kind of signs that give the heroes jackals in the Dem party and the media hope to take him down.

Add to that the WH punishing a reporter from SF no less, and you have the making of shark week.


Don't worry.  We'll still figure out a way to screw the pooch!

Posted by: Your Betters In The Republican Establishment at April 29, 2011 12:33 PM (ihSHD)

199 What I want is an 11 X 17" full color glossy of Moochelle's happy face walking out of the White House (for the last time) after the most lopsided defeat in history. I will frame that sucker and mount it on the ceiling over my bed, with a light on it so I can see it in the dark.

Posted by: maddogg at April 29, 2011 12:34 PM (OlN4e)

200 Barack Obama, Jr. in... T H E C R E A T U R E F R O M S T A N L E Y ' S V A G I N A

Posted by: Empire of Jeff at April 29, 2011 12:34 PM (FI38b)

201 Why don't these birther guys just start saying Obama murdered 3000 Americans on 911? I mean that way they can get on the View, get sweet Hollywood gigs, and someday a Republican President will try to appoint them to a "czar" like position until it becomes public knowledge they publically declared that they believe the President was a mass murderer. At that point you can always just say you were taken out of context, and brought down by the lying evil left wing "man".

Posted by: Mr. Pink at April 29, 2011 12:34 PM (VidfH)

202 Birth Certificate? Never heard of it.

Posted by: Charlie Gibson at April 29, 2011 12:34 PM (HvmYm)

203 186
Isn't that where the McDonald's employee from the Town Hall goes to school?
Posted by: garrett at April 29, 2011 04:26 PM (jyGn7)

The Blessed Julio of the Creamed Jeans was in Fort Myers - other side of the state.

Posted by: ya2daup at April 29, 2011 12:34 PM (Wqfrr)


"Fall between the Stools"


Autumn amidst the 'shrums

Posted by: runningrn at April 29, 2011 12:34 PM (ihSHD)

205 Head down to the titty bar and pound down some brewskis?

I'd love to. But the nearest establishment that features bare female mammary tissue as an attraction is more than an hour and a half away. I will just have to settle for the brewskis.

Posted by: MikeTheMoose at April 29, 2011 12:35 PM (0q2P7)


Add to that the WH punishing a reporter from SF no less, and you have the making of shark week.

Posted by: Blue Hen at April 29, 2011 04:30 PM (326rv)

The Rubicon was crossed this week. He's no longer untouchable and it's about to get ugly.

Posted by: ontherocks at April 29, 2011 12:35 PM (HBqDo)

207 @ 198
What is it with you Stoolers? Let it go already.

Posted by: Fortunata at April 29, 2011 12:35 PM (90H1N)


 Obama has fallen so far precisely because he and his supporters so hugely oversold him.


It's going to make campaigning for the next election a bigger challenge.  Dumbasses.

Posted by: runningrn at April 29, 2011 12:35 PM (ihSHD)


Reading the Mead article reminded me of Sun Tzu.

"If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. But, If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat."

I think an important distinction between Obama and other Presidents is the experience of dealing with both parties.  Whether it was LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, GHW Bush, GW Bush and Clinton.  They all had lots of prior experience in dealing with and working with both political parties that they could successfully craft bipartisan successes.

Look at Obama's background, he never had much exposure to Conservatives or even Republicans his entire life.  He grew up with far left wingers, represented a far left district, was part of the Democratic Machine of Chicago politics.  He has lived in a coccoon of Left Wing worldview most of his life, never having been challenged or having to defend that worldview.

He has little experience with Conservatives and Republicans.  Most of his life he never had to interact with them.  He was never exposed to what motivates them.  He never got to understand them.  And even worse probably, only saw them through the stereotypes formed by the Left wing.

I think for Obama, Conservatives and Republicans are an alien concept.  As a result he is unprepared for dealing or actually having to compromise with people who have a different worldview and philosophy than him.  He is probably astonished that people actually challenge his worldview.  In short, he doesn't know his enemy.

In the Mead article, Obama sneers at Clinton's triangulation strategy.  But Clinton was successful with it, because he had long experience dealing with Republicans and Democrats.  Clinton understood his opponents.  Obama doesn't, that's why he keeps coming up short.

Posted by: Eric at April 29, 2011 12:36 PM (3f3uN)

210 As I keep saying: Credibility counts.

Posted by: ace


Said the man to the room full of morons.

Posted by: Blue Hen at April 29, 2011 12:36 PM (326rv)

211 Walt, even though your analysis is perhaps a bit closer to the truth than the recent editorial by Dana Milbank lauding Obama's intellectual complexity, I still think you're giving him way too much credit for any kind of mental acumen.  I am beginning to believe that Chance the Gardner is actually running the country. 

Posted by: Retired after 36 years of teaching at April 29, 2011 12:36 PM (Cx2Dy)


@71: "Why are you insisting on elevating one reason that most of us find revolting in its stupidity?"

I'm not insisting on anything.  I couldn't care less about the birth certificate.  However, Denninger rebutted the rebuttal: http://tinyurl.com/3daldyd.  The guy is experienced with Illustrator software, so he at least makes a point.

"Do you wish to win an election or merely personally vindicate yourself such that elitist scum like me are forced to say "you were right all along"?"

See above - I don't care either way about the birth certificate.  It is amusing that The Messiah even flubbed producing it, though.  As far as the election goes, I haven't seen anything yet that indicates that it will mean much.  Even assuming Ryan runs and wins, his plan falls short of what is necessary.  He merely drives us off the cliff at a slower speed.

"We have ten good reasons we all agree on to oust Obama, but the Birthers are goddamned determined to make the number one reason (or top three) a reason that most of the country finds illegitimate and insane."

I'd have thought the facts that he was a racist, statist, sub-moronic dilettante would have done it, but a majority of people said "Nah, that's cool."

"Can you explain that strange priority system?"

Nope, but you'd have to ask one of them; I've never been to any of their meetings.

Posted by: Fa Cube Itches at April 29, 2011 12:37 PM (xy9wk)

213 Listening to the Jimmy Carters vent about voting for him in '76 isn't nearly as fun as listening the the '08 Obama voters.

Posted by: wtfci at April 29, 2011 12:37 PM (qITbz)

214 Documented proof. In PDF format. Can you even spell PDF? Everyone knows PDFs (in e-mails, no less!) are incontrovertible evidence and primary constituents of reality, like gravity or the turtles stacked up underneath the Earth. Man, when will the sheeple wake up?

Posted by: George Orwell at April 29, 2011 12:39 PM (ZkHkm)


The Blessed Julio of the Creamed Jeans was in Fort Myers - other side of the state.


LOL!  Mark Steyn brought up that woman that was at that one town hall meeting.  The black woman that told Obama she needed a new kitchen.  He said he'd have his staff meet with her after the event.  I wonder what happened to her.  What happened to Peggy Joseph?  What happened to that woman in Detroit who said that the money for the free housing came from Obama's stash.  We need a "Where are they Now" retrospective.  You know that if any of these people were doing well, the Democrats would be parading them around like some circus freakshow, and the media would be all over it with some "feel good" human interest stories. 

Posted by: runningrn at April 29, 2011 12:39 PM (ihSHD)

216 19 Is "falls between stools" a common phrase? Because it doesn't sound very good.

No need to get all weeweed up about it.

Posted by: Anachronda enjoys bathroom humor, too at April 29, 2011 12:39 PM (6fER6)

re: the black vote

We're not gonna get a lot (or any) of these voters. But what might happen is that a lotta them stay home.

Posted by: Soothsayerwing Plover at April 29, 2011 12:40 PM (uFokq)

218 Head down to the titty bar and pound down some brewskis?

Darn, one of the local titty bars is being razed so that they can expand the intersection.  Now we'll have huge baby oil scented flocks of scantily-clad strippers walking the streets infringing my personal freedom.

Posted by: CUS at April 29, 2011 12:40 PM (wOGfT)

219 Obama has fallen so far precisely because he and his supporters so hugely oversold him.


It's going to make campaigning for the next election a bigger challenge.  Dumbasses.

To which the dutiful MBM guzzlers will report, he could have been as great as promised if it weren't for those evil KKK Republicans.

Posted by: Lady in Black at April 29, 2011 12:41 PM (usvhr)

Posted by: Major T. J. "King" Kong‎ at April 29, 2011 12:41 PM (Wqfrr)


Posted by: FUBAR at April 29, 2011 12:41 PM (SZetI)

222 Presidunce Earflaps is so brilliant that we dare no look.

Posted by: gus at April 29, 2011 12:42 PM (Vqruj)

223 @75: "Fucking hell. LET IT GO ALREADY.

He could dig up his parent's corpses and have a DNA test performed in front of a stadium full of people and the Internet Detective Squad would still scream "it's a fake!!!""

Blow it out your ass.  Denninger is experienced with Illustrator.  He's not claiming that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii (and as far as I know, never has), only that the WH copy differed from the AP copy, and explained how the WH one was created.  If you have a problem with his analysis, take it up with him.

Posted by: Fa Cube Itches at April 29, 2011 12:42 PM (xy9wk)


"In the Mead article, Obama sneers at Clinton's triangulation strategy.  But Clinton was successful with it, because he had long experience dealing with Republicans and Democrats.  Clinton understood his opponents.  Obama doesn't, that's why he keeps coming up short."


But he has Bill Daily as his Chief of Staff, and we all know the Daily's know two-party politics. Wait, what?

Posted by: Goober at April 29, 2011 12:42 PM (Q5+Og)

What about that Obama supporter, a govt teet-sucker, who was complaining about her hot dogs & beans suppers?

Didn't she get laid off?

Posted by: Soothsayerwing Plover at April 29, 2011 12:42 PM (uFokq)

226 We need a "Where are they Now" retrospective.  You know that if any of these people were doing well, the Democrats would be parading them around like some circus freakshow, and the media would be all over it with some "feel good" human interest stories. 

Posted by: runningrn


Then we must organize the freakshow ourselves. Pile on this, those frickin' geek columns, the messiah crap, and keep hammering the economic numbers. Then stir in clips of JEF bowing to anybody and everybody. The late night comedians will become bolder. Joking about it may never approach the memes about Booooosh, but we need to grab whatever we can.

Posted by: Blue Hen at April 29, 2011 12:42 PM (326rv)


The President looks like a man who is ridden by events; at just the moment when the nation craves a strong leader, the President looks weak, dodgy, uncertain. The contrast with the inflated hopes that an untested and inexperienced Senator Obama did so much to build up is crippling. Obama has fallen so far precisely because he and his supporters so hugely oversold him.

Eureka!! DING ding ding!! Get this man a cigar! 

Posted by: dananjcon at April 29, 2011 12:42 PM (pr+up)

228 Turtles on Stools all the way down, man.

Posted by: Mama AJ at April 29, 2011 12:43 PM (XdlcF)

229 What I want is an 11 X 17" full color glossy of Moochelle's happy face walking out of the White House (for the last time) after the most lopsided defeat in history. I will frame that sucker and mount it on the ceiling over my bed, with a light on it so I can see it in the dark.

Hell, if this happens in Jan. 2013, come hell or high water, I will be in D.C. to bid adieu in proper rotten-tomato-throwing-fashion. 

Posted by: Lady in Black at April 29, 2011 12:43 PM (usvhr)

230 175: Bingo. I'm sure lots of people joined me in thinking there must be a 'father unknown' or religion: muslim or SOMETHING that might have been a negative before the election. Now we are going "What a scumball for not releasing that basic document before the election" Its like he was hoping to keep the "miracle removal from office people" distracted from defeating him politically. AND if you "miracle impeachment people" MUST continue please turn your attention to the Pakistan trip -in the 80's? when he should not have been allowed to go on a U.S. passport but should not have still had an indonesian passport if he was choosing U.S. citizenship not dual Indonesian via the adoption by Mr. Sotero. Please -- the BC is now a tinfoil issue. There are history issues that the MBM concealed instead of covering and we should beat the MBM daily over these issues IMO that might be grounds for impeachment but wont result in one --come on several of BO's actions as president should also be grounds for impeachment but no DC politician is going to risk Watts riots in 100+ cities to impeach the first black president, we just have to defeat this marxist cad in 2012.

Posted by: Palerider at April 29, 2011 12:43 PM (dkExz)

Did you hear this?

A caller on the radio this morning said,

"This royal wedding is like the Super Bowl...for cat ladies."

Posted by: Soothsayerwing Plover at April 29, 2011 12:44 PM (uFokq)

232 219
re: the black vote

We're not gonna get a lot (or any) of these voters. But what might happen is that a lotta them stay home.

Our tea party here isn't getting a lot, but we're getting a few, who didn't vote for Teh Won and are converting a few to our side.  Here in Chocolate City, Georgia that's pretty big.  Sadly, they don't want to show up at rallies much, because of the crap they deal with when they return to their neighborhoods.  They've even said so.

Makes me wonder how many are unhappy we don't even know about.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 29, 2011 12:44 PM (UOM48)


Posted by: runningrn at April 29, 2011 04:39 PM (ihSHD)

Maybe they gave her the shitty microwave from the staff's breakroom, the one with burnt cheese on the carousel and dried spaghetti sauce that's spattered all over ther inside.

Posted by: ErikW at April 29, 2011 12:45 PM (/9K4i)


Turtles on Stools all the way down, man.

When all the Turtle gives you is Stools, make Turtle Stool Soup!

Posted by: Grandma always said... at April 29, 2011 12:46 PM (jyGn7)

235 "This royal wedding is like the Super Bowl...for cat ladies."


Posted by: Sheppy Smith at April 29, 2011 12:46 PM (UOM48)



Since he leaps to the conclusion that at 7:24 time of birth is a strange coincidence suggesting the Kenyan hoax is real, rather than simply copied from the COLB, I am not given over to treating his other brilliant insights with much seriousness.

If I catch someone being stupid once I'm going to go ahead and assume that person is stupid in a variety of contexts.

As I keep saying: Credibility counts.

Posted by: ace at April 29, 2011 04:33 PM (nj1bB)

This is the last thing I will say on this. I pinky swear. He says the time of birth was already "out there"...he's not making an issue of that. It's the certification date thatis an issue with him

>>How did a purely fraudulent document in a foreign nation happen to wind up with the exact same time of birth and certification dates as the alleged "real" certificate - if Hawaii never released the latter information until now?  That's a hell of a coincidence.  Yes, I know the time of birth was "out there."  The certification dates were not, to the best of my ability to determine, public knowledge<<

Still, no one has responded regarding the chromatic aberrations on the AP version, but not on the WH version...which it should have since they claimed to have directly copied the hard copy in the bound book on the shelf.

Insulting me for pointing that out doesn't change that fact.

OK...all done now

Posted by: beedubya at April 29, 2011 12:46 PM (AnTyA)

237 "the President falls between stools"

I think he stepped in the stool.

Posted by: Dang at April 29, 2011 12:47 PM (TXKVh)

the unemployment rate among a.a.'s, as you know, is extremely high

Boehner, and others, were saying the GOP is the party of the paycheck, the Democrats are the party of the handout.

I think it's a pretty effective line.

Posted by: Soothsayerwing Plover at April 29, 2011 12:48 PM (uFokq)


the current buzzworthy thing among the intellectual establishment:

The President looks like a man who is ridden by events; at just the moment when the nation craves a strong leader, the President looks weak, dodgy, uncertain. The contrast with the inflated hopes that an untested and inexperienced Senator Obama did so much to build up is crippling. Obama has fallen so far precisely because he and his supporters so hugely oversold him.

Hey, all you noted intellkshuals. What the fuck did you expect? I mean, seriously. A man who had no achievements other than the notable one of voting present all the time. Didn't that, by itself, telegraph something to your keenly honed intellects? Or maybe the fact that he never really had a job, other than stirring up other malcontents so they could shake down the man. That didn't register either?

If you ask me, the word intellectual is way overrated. But what would I know? I'm just a roob.




Posted by: LGoPs at April 29, 2011 12:49 PM (lHn6+)


"221 Obama has fallen so far precisely because he and his supporters so hugely oversold him."


I will say once more. Look for Obama's campaign to be all about how he is the only one who can get them to pull up their britches. See recent moves by the left in Detroit, MA and PA relative to unions and welfare recipients. It was this presumption by the swing voters that got him elected. He never delivered. If he makes it a blatant campaign I am not sure he will lose. He will go all identity politics because it will secure his base and make swing voters think twice. Other than this I have no idea how he can mount a successful campaign.

Posted by: Goober at April 29, 2011 12:49 PM (Q5+Og)


Birthers and Paulbots and Palinistas - Oh! my.

Birthers and Paulbots and Palinistas - Oh! my.

Birthers and Paulbots and Palinistas - Oh! my.

Posted by: Dorothy at April 29, 2011 12:49 PM (jyGn7)

242 If zerO fell between two stools, could you pick him out of the line up?

Posted by: maddogg at April 29, 2011 12:49 PM (OlN4e)


I think he stepped in the stool.


This is why I inspect, smell and then taste it, first

Posted by: Joe 'Punchlines' Biden at April 29, 2011 12:50 PM (jyGn7)

244 228
Then we must organize the freakshow ourselves.
Posted by: Blue Hen at April 29, 2011 04:42 PM (326rv)

I didn't watch the 30-minute commercial his campaign broadcast within a week of Election Day in '08, but I heard part of it. And I thought, "Who the hell are these sad sacks who agreed to take part in this freak show backed with a sepulchral sound track?" Those are the people whose stories should be trotted out and re-told.

Posted by: ya2daup at April 29, 2011 12:51 PM (Wqfrr)

245 Geez.  Y'all are still talking about the BC?  I had my doubts about it's authenticity the other day, but since then I've forgotten all about it until I started reading the last 100 50 25 10 comments.  I say the whole question has been overcome by events far bigger and more destructive than a document that wont' make any difference in this dictatorial presidency's time in office.

Posted by: Soona at April 29, 2011 12:52 PM (z3bs4)


Sadly, they don't want to show up at rallies much, because of the crap they deal with when they return to their neighborhoods.  They've even said so.

Makes me wonder how many are unhappy we don't even know about.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 29, 2011 04:44 PM (UOM4

But remember Conservatives are the intolerant violent pricks that hate anyone that doesn't agree with them.


Posted by: buzzion at April 29, 2011 12:52 PM (oVQFe)

247 Then we must organize the freakshow ourselves.
Posted by: Blue Hen at April 29, 2011 04:42 PM (326rv)

I didn't watch the 30-minute commercial his campaign broadcast within a week of Election Day in '08, but I heard part of it. And I thought, "Who the hell are these sad sacks who agreed to take part in this freak show backed with a sepulchral sound track?" Those are the people whose stories should be trotted out and re-told.

Posted by: ya2daup


We need to do what we never considered a year ago. Hit him hard and often. Repeatedly contrast the hype with the terrible results, the ridiculous lies and high prices. I still believe that he'll be challenged/pressured to drop if things get bad enough.

Posted by: Blue Hen at April 29, 2011 12:54 PM (6rX0K)

248 Better a shitty stool than a stoolish shit.

Posted by: William Shakespeare at April 29, 2011 12:55 PM (ihSHD)

249 Your Friday dose of Compassionate Liberal Tolerance&trade;  Ta Dah!

Trig Palin is a F*ing Retard  (facebook group)

Posted by: Lady in Black at April 29, 2011 12:55 PM (usvhr)

250 /html fail

Posted by: Lady in Black at April 29, 2011 12:55 PM (usvhr)

251 A stool and his money are soon elected.

Posted by: Will Rogers at April 29, 2011 12:56 PM (ihSHD)


Geez.  Y'all are still talking about the BC?  I had my doubts about it's authenticity the other day

Uh oh.

Posted by: beedubya at April 29, 2011 12:56 PM (AnTyA)

253 Showing off is the stool's idea of glory.

Posted by: Bruce Lee at April 29, 2011 12:57 PM (ihSHD)

254 Then we must organize the freakshow ourselves.
Posted by: Blue Hen at April 29, 2011 04:42 PM (326rv)

I didn't watch the 30-minute commercial his campaign broadcast within a week of Election Day in '08, but I heard part of it. And I thought, "Who the hell are these sad sacks who agreed to take part in this freak show backed with a sepulchral sound track?" Those are the people whose stories should be trotted out and re-told.

Posted by: ya2daup


We need to do what we never considered a year ago. Hit him hard and often. Repeatedly contrast the hype with the terrible results, the ridiculous lies and high prices. I still believe that he'll be challenged/pressured to drop if things get bad enough.

Posted by: Blue Hen at April 29, 2011 04:54 PM (6rX0K)

I agree. I think he can be made to quit, especially when his own start eating him alive. Question is what kind of freakshow does that start ? Is Hillary in then ?


Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 12:57 PM (+qHxi)

255 From Mead's piece: "He once despised Bill Clinton for the comprising and triangulating that got him through his eight years.  President Obama was going to do it differently: he was going to fight and win. "Perhaps he will; politics is full of surprises and it is still almost a year and a half until the election.  But at the moment the President seems to be envying Clinton’s talents and attempting to emulate rather than scorn them.  From anti-Clinton to aspiring Clinton is a long fall and it can’t be much fun." Except that Obama morphed into Bill Clinton practically the day after he was elected, hiring a raft of Clinton Administration retreads to staff his new administration. To the extent that he ignored them in favor of Jarrett and Axelrod and Plouffe and Gibbs, he got himself in deep political problems, and he executed neither the neo-Clinton nor anti-Clinton roles effectively.

Posted by: stuiec at April 29, 2011 12:57 PM (U4Bne)

256 Okay, smart guys... suppose you explain to me how exactly Obama faked the moon landing? Well? I'll be waiting while the chemtrails cross overhead.

Posted by: George Orwell at April 29, 2011 12:58 PM (ZkHkm)

257 You promised that the earth would begin to heal! What happened, mothafo'....?

Posted by: Tornado Alley, USA at April 29, 2011 12:58 PM (MOyaA)


Uh oh.

Posted by: beedubya at April 29, 2011 04:56 PM (AnTyA)


I am presuming that you read the rest of my comment.  I guess that might be too much to ask.

Posted by: Soona at April 29, 2011 12:59 PM (z3bs4)

259 251 Your Friday dose of Compassionate Liberal Tolerance&trade;  Ta Dah!

Trig Palin is a F*ing Retard  (facebook group)

How kind, compassionate, loving, tolerant....did I leave anything out?  Because that's what my lib in-laws and friends tell me they're all about.

Posted by: Sheppy Smith at April 29, 2011 12:59 PM (UOM48)

260 A man may be a stool and not know it, but not if he is married.

Posted by: H.L. Mencken at April 29, 2011 12:59 PM (ihSHD)

262 Except that Obama morphed into Bill Clinton practically the day after he was elected, hiring a raft of Clinton Administration retreads  retards to staff his new administration. To the extent that he ignored them in favor of Jarrett and Axelrod and Plouffe and Gibbs, he got himself in deep political problems, and he executed neither the neo-Clinton nor anti-Clinton roles effectively.

Posted by: stuiec at April 29, 2011 04:57 PM (U4Bne)

You fucked up your monochromatics when you copied that.

Posted by: robtr at April 29, 2011 01:00 PM (MtwBb)


Except that Obama morphed into Bill Clinton practically the day after he was elected, hiring a raft of Clinton Administration retreads to staff his new administration. To the extent that he ignored them in favor of Jarrett and Axelrod and Plouffe and Gibbs, he got himself in deep political problems, and he executed neither the neo-Clinton nor anti-Clinton roles effectively.

Hard to get much done between fundraisers, speeches, and a shitload of bad golf.

Posted by: maddogg at April 29, 2011 01:01 PM (OlN4e)

264 Tornado death toll as of now:  318

Posted by: Sheppy Smith at April 29, 2011 01:01 PM (UOM48)

265 overcome by events
good ole military jargon for "well this might have been important at one time. but that time has clearly passed"

Posted by: MikeTheMoose at April 29, 2011 01:01 PM (0q2P7)

266 did I leave anything out?


Posted by: MikeTheMoose at April 29, 2011 01:02 PM (0q2P7)


I agree. I think he can be made to quit, especially when his own start eating him alive. Question is what kind of freakshow does that start ? Is Hillary in then ?


Posted by: Jackhole at April 29, 2011 04:57 PM (+qHxi)


I've commented numerous times that there is nothing witten in stone that says Barky will be the next dem nominee.

Posted by: Soona at April 29, 2011 01:02 PM (z3bs4)


I agree. I think he can be made to quit, especially when his own start eating him alive. Question is what kind of freakshow does that start ? Is Hillary in then ?


Posted by: Jackhole


I still think that Evan Bayh will emerge, but if and only if it appears that the big money decides to drop Obama. Al Gore briefly tried again in 2004, but dropped when he realized that no one was going to put money behind him again. I doubt that Hilary will be able to convince enough people that she's the one to salvage things.

Posted by: Blue Hen at April 29, 2011 01:02 PM (6rX0K)

269 #266  Damn stupid sock.  Ugh.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 29, 2011 01:02 PM (UOM48)

270 "We need to do what we never considered a year ago. Hit him hard and often. Repeatedly contrast the hype with the terrible results, the ridiculous lies and high prices. I still believe that he'll be challenged/pressured to drop if things get bad enough." Blue Hen, I disagree. He's just the kind of massive ego who will convince himself that the people love him, despite any and all evidence to the contrary. The trouble for him is that he can't rely on some big patron to force his opponent to drop out or to cause the economy to boom right on cue. He still doesn't realize that he will be judged on his actual job performance: it's never happened to him before in his life.

Posted by: stuiec at April 29, 2011 01:04 PM (U4Bne)

271 What I want is an 11 X 17" full color glossy of Moochelle's happy face walking out of the White House (for the last time) after the most lopsided defeat in history. I will frame that sucker and mount it on the ceiling over my bed, with a light on it so I can see it in the dark I'll have to laminate my copy because I'm going to beat my dick like it insulted Islam.

Posted by: Empire of Jeff at April 29, 2011 01:04 PM (FI38b)

272 The fact is that the zerO administration, such as it was, is dissolving like a fizzie. There is much entertainment yet to be gleened from this.

Posted by: maddogg at April 29, 2011 01:04 PM (OlN4e)

273 overcome by events
good ole military jargon for "well this might have been important at one time. but that time has clearly passed"

Posted by: MikeTheMoose at April 29, 2011 05:01 PM (0q2P7)


OBE.  The curse of most well thought-out military plans.  Heh.

Posted by: Soona at April 29, 2011 01:05 PM (z3bs4)

274 I'll have to laminate my copy because I'm going to beat my dick like it insulted Islam.

Posted by: Empire of Jeff at April 29, 2011 05:04 PM (FI38b)

Low ceiling? High bed? Or just extreme exhuberance?

Posted by: maddogg at April 29, 2011 01:06 PM (OlN4e)

275 Blue Hen, I disagree. He's just the kind of massive ego who will convince himself that the people love him, despite any and all evidence to the contrary. The trouble for him is that he can't rely on some big patron to force his opponent to drop out or to cause the economy to boom right on cue. He still doesn't realize that he will be judged on his actual job performance: it's never happened to him before in his life.

Posted by: stuiec


I expect that it will be Daley or some other person or persons that will pull the plug. he'll be be pressured, and if need be, be bought off or coerced into not running again. I agree that he will not want to decline, but that he will have little choice. If they turn on him, he won't get that projected $1 billion.

Posted by: Blue Hen at April 29, 2011 01:06 PM (326rv)

276 Watching the poor folks in Alabama who lost everything on Fox.  The tolerant left will be ridiculing their southern accents in 3...2...1...

Wonder how Barry felt having to come into contact with deep south crackers, as well as rural black folk?  Did he bend down to examine a piece of debris for a photo op?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 29, 2011 01:07 PM (UOM48)

277 Somewhere in Chicago, a faculty is missing one of its Marxists.

Posted by: FUBAR at April 29, 2011 01:07 PM (SZetI)


I've commented numerous times that there is nothing witten in stone that says Barky will be the next dem nominee.


I respectfully disagree.  Unless he takes himself out of the running citing that he needs to "spend more time with the family" (which I don't see him doing because he's such a malignant narcissist who believes his own press), he will be the Democrat nominee.  Otherwise, the party of equality and tolerance will be guilty of racism. 


Posted by: runningrn at April 29, 2011 01:08 PM (ihSHD)

279 187I mean to do that would involve time travel back to 1961, so you could tell the people who would be involved that he was going to be President, and not just some spoiled rich hippie chicks bastard baby.

Hmm. Maybe you've stumbled on the *real* reason that John Titor was sent into the past from 2038ish to find an IBM 5100. The magical properties aren't that it is microprogrammable, which never made much sense anyway, but that it's what the Hawaiians used to touch up birth certificates when they went digital.


Makes ya think....

Posted by: Anachronda listens to too much Coast to Coast AM at April 29, 2011 01:09 PM (6fER6)

280 273 What I want is an 11 X 17" full color glossy of Moochelle's happy face walking out of the White House (for the last time) after the most lopsided defeat in history. I will frame that sucker and mount it on the ceiling over my bed, with a light on it so I can see it in the dark

I'm going to go one better:  I want a glossy of Barry being frog-marched out of the White House, and another of him in a bright orange jumpsuit heading for a federal prison.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 29, 2011 01:10 PM (UOM48)


Recently I read that in the Audacity book allegedly written by O, he mentions finding his birth certificate in an old box or some place like that.  So, why would he need to petition HI to release his BC?  Doesn't add up.

Posted by: Mayday at April 29, 2011 01:11 PM (TRgli)


From the article: There seem to be several factors at work that repeatedly push the President into doomed compromises.  One is ideology; the President is no socialist or far-left crusader, but he is an urban liberal whose core convictions are on the left end of the center-left.  He is smart enough to know that he canÂ’t always or even often get exactly what he wants, but having to govern from a position to the right of his own heart puts him in an awkward position.  It is hard to be creative when you are constantly on the back foot.

The President is not a socialist or a far left crusader? Huh? His Senate voting record was demonstrably to the left of  Bernie Sanders (S-VT). Do facts matter at all in this country? Sheesh.

Posted by: LGoPs at April 29, 2011 01:11 PM (lHn6+)


 The certification dates were not, to the best of my ability to determine, public knowledge<<

So why do I see a date filed by registrar on the COLB at FactCheck.org? With the same date.

Posted by: Mama AJ at April 29, 2011 01:12 PM (XdlcF)


I respectfully disagree.  Unless he takes himself out of the running citing that he needs to "spend more time with the family" (which I don't see him doing because he's such a malignant narcissist who believes his own press), he will be the Democrat nominee.  Otherwise, the party of equality and tolerance will be guilty of racism. 


Posted by: runningrn at April 29, 2011 05:08 PM (ihSHD)


Ah.  But the MFM and every leftist alive knows that democrats don't have one racist bone among them.

Posted by: Soona at April 29, 2011 01:13 PM (z3bs4)


I respectfully disagree.  Unless he takes himself out of the running citing that he needs to "spend more time with the family" (which I don't see him doing because he's such a malignant narcissist who believes his own press), he will be the Democrat nominee.  Otherwise, the party of equality and tolerance will be guilty of racism. 

 Posted by: runningrn

They've ignored reality before. If minority unemployment doesn't improve, gas and food prices continue their pesent trajectory, and the debt continues to worsen, then they'll cut their losses. If his polling doesn't improve, and Nader gets onto some ballots, he's toast.They're already scaling back their plans for the House, and several sitting Senators aren't even bothering to raise funds but have been announcing their retirements over a year in advance.

Posted by: Blue Hen at April 29, 2011 01:14 PM (326rv)

286 I'm going to go one better:  I want a glossy of Barry being frog-marched out of the White House, and another of him in a bright orange jumpsuit heading for a federal prison.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 29, 2011 05:10 PM (UOM4

I'm saving that fantasy for Eric Holder.

Posted by: maddogg at April 29, 2011 01:14 PM (OlN4e)

287 214 I'm not insisting on anything. I couldn't care less about the birth certificate. However, Denninger rebutted the rebuttal: http://tinyurl.com/3daldyd. The guy is experienced with Illustrator software, so he at least makes a point.

Not really.

The scanning software pulls the text out as a separate layer so that it can use a different compression algorithm more appropriate for text. Possibly something monochrome, like might be used by a fax machine. Color fringing wouldn't survive a monochrome compressor.

We're not talking lossless compression here.

While I'm at it, I'd also like to point out that U K L Lee also signed the Coats birth certificate that you can find on the net.

Posted by: Anachronda at April 29, 2011 01:15 PM (6fER6)

288 "I'm saving that fantasy for Eric Holder." There's plenty of room at ADX Florence for both those fuckers.

Posted by: FRONT TOWARD LEFT at April 29, 2011 01:16 PM (Pzf4N)

289 Somewhere in the Wookiee's furry hatchet wound, a douche is missing its bag.

Posted by: FUBAR at April 29, 2011 01:16 PM (SZetI)

290 This reminds me of the Beatles. There were no hidden messages. It doesn't say "Paul is dead" when you play the White Album backwards. They just sucked. They were a shitty band and that's a good enough reason to hate them.

Posted by: Empire of Jeff at April 29, 2011 01:17 PM (FI38b)

291 "187 EoJ, yeah I like to keep it old school like that. Also it is much quicker to type "Obama sucks cock" than it is to type some massive conspiracy that he was born in Kenya and covered it up for 50 years. I mean to do that would involve time travel back to 1961, so you could tell the people who would be involved that he was going to be President, and not just some spoiled rich hippie chicks bastard baby." As we are now learning from the Boston Globe reporter working on a biography of Obama's dad, he really didn't give a stool about Stanley Ann or her baby. He had a wife and kids back in Kenya and would leave baby Barack and his dimwit baby-momma in Hawaii within a few months to head to Harvard, where he found plenty of additional trim to put little Barack out of mind. That's the biggest piece of evidence against a Kenyan birth certificate theory: it would presume that Daddy Obama would bother with bringing his shotgun bride and her embarrassing offspring to Kenya, as if he had any interest in acknowledging them rather than ditching them at the first opportunity.

Posted by: stuiec at April 29, 2011 01:18 PM (U4Bne)

292 Tornado death toll as of now:  318

Posted by: Sheppy Smith at April 29, 2011 05:01 PM (UOM4

Coincidentally (in a wierd way, I guess) the highest windspeed ever recorded in a tornado was 318 mph from the 2004 Oklahoma City F5. That was the last reading before the anenometer was destroyed so it could possibly be higher.

And prayers for the victim's families.

Posted by: ErikW at April 29, 2011 01:18 PM (/9K4i)

293 283 Recently I read that in the Audacity book allegedly written by O, he mentions finding his birth certificate in an old box or some place like that. So, why would he need to petition HI to release his BC? Doesn't add up

Original was destroyed in a house fire in the '70s.

Unless John Titor was sent back in time with a box of matches... O.o

Posted by: Anachronda at April 29, 2011 01:21 PM (6fER6)

294 "Barry's chief fault is that he IS a stool -- and not the kind you sit on either." Not the kind you sit on - the kind you squat over.

Posted by: stuiec at April 29, 2011 01:22 PM (U4Bne)

295 292 This reminds me of the Beatles. There were no hidden messages. It doesn't say "Paul is dead" when you play the White Album backwards. They just sucked. They were a shitty band and that's a good enough reason to hate them. YEAH. Know who else sucked? John Wooden's UCLA teams. Terry Bradshaw's Steelers. Babe Ruth's Yankees.

Posted by: FUBAR at April 29, 2011 01:27 PM (SZetI)


Original was destroyed in a house fire in the '70s. 

Thanks for clearing that up for me.  (However...isn't that convenient?  I keep my original in a safe deposit box.)  I haven't read Audacity, but I guess he must've found the BD in his teens.

Posted by: Mayday at April 29, 2011 01:28 PM (TRgli)

297 Would somebody please tell me something SPECIFIC that Barry compromised on? As opposed to simply failed?

I must have been off-world that day.

Or is it that journalists are commentators are almost all liars? I forget.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at April 29, 2011 01:29 PM (bxiXv)

298 They just sucked. They were a shitty band and that's a good enough reason to hate them.

Posted by: Empire of Jeff at April 29, 2011 05:17 PM (FI38b)


I've been saying that for years and you would NOT believe the shit I've gotten for it.

Posted by: ErikW at April 29, 2011 01:37 PM (/9K4i)


I've been saying that for years and you would NOT believe the shit I've gotten for it.

Posted by: ErikW at April 29, 2011 05:37 PM (/9K4i)

"No shit is accepted at this location at this time, sorry."

The Beatles are, without doubt, the most overrated garage band ever. And *all* garage bands are overrated.

They were basically a PR experiment gone mad, the marketing equivalent of "grey goo."

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at April 29, 2011 01:41 PM (bxiXv)

300 Why are people giving so much scrutiny to the BC?  Because if Zer0 said to them that 2+2=4, most of us would get out a pocket calculator to double check.  He's a pathological, proven liar, and no trusts Anything he says or does, and he's given them no reason to think otherwise.

Posted by: Tim the Enchanter at April 29, 2011 01:46 PM (izA2D)

301 Would somebody please tell me something SPECIFIC that Barry compromised on? He went to church on Easter.

Posted by: t-bird at April 29, 2011 01:47 PM (FcR7P)


Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at April 29, 2011 05:41 PM (bxiXv)

I agree. Second most overrated band in history? U2.

Posted by: ErikW at April 29, 2011 01:53 PM (/9K4i)

303 The Beatles are the most overrated band in history?  And they say Trig Palin is retarded.  Milli Vanilli is never releasing another record.  Get over it.

Posted by: Abiss at April 29, 2011 02:38 PM (efUrF)


Overheard in a gay-friendly bar and determined the most effective line used to pick up O'Bumbles?

"May I push your stool in for you?"

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at April 29, 2011 02:40 PM (6yyVB)

305 Hitler sought compromise with the Jews but they just would not compromise and get on the trains. Thats how obama seeks compromise just give and get on the fucking trains. I don't want to get on no fucking train obama

Posted by: pd at April 29, 2011 02:52 PM (VCZce)

306 And this American tribe had seen in this stranger from a strange land a savior, a man to lead them to plentiful buffalo...

They called him "Falls Between Stools"

Posted by: Stumbles to the Men's Room at April 29, 2011 03:11 PM (vdfwz)

307 Can we please start talking about how Creationism is destroying science and forget all this birth certificate stuff?

Posted by: hobbes at April 29, 2011 04:26 PM (du4U/)


308 And this American tribe had seen in this stranger from a strange land a savior, a man to lead them to plentiful buffalo...

They called him "Falls Between Stools"

I caught that as well. Love it!

Henceforth, let his wife be known as

"Stands with a Stool"

Posted by: ChristyBlinky at April 29, 2011 05:23 PM (FnRYN)

309 Barry Soetoro is a self-acknowledged affirmative action hire from his first day in the education / political correctness machine. That this poorly prepares him for a position as President few people could execute effectively, even when it calls for little more than a figurehead, is unsurprising.

Posted by: Flying Tiger Comics at April 29, 2011 10:30 PM (q79Bm)

310 From words of Charlie Chaplin - "Failure is an important, it takes great courage to make a fool out of your self."

Posted by: pacman vs margarito at April 30, 2011 06:40 PM (SNLC/)

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